Psychotherapeutic Interventions in Emotional and Behavioural Problems with Adolescents

Psychotherapeutic Interventions in Emotional and Behavioural Problems with Adolescents

Mahesh A. Tripathi, Godishala Sridevi
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3432-8.ch061
(Individual Chapters)
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Children undergo a variety of interrelated changes in their adolescence and at times most children exhibits difficult behaviours. The problem becomes more severe in adopted children because such status of adoption affects various aspects of the developing personality. Feeling of rejection in early childhood generates a tendency of insecurity and fear in these children and to overcome from these beliefs they adopt aggressive behaviour. Psychotherapy with adolescents is different in a number of substantive ways from adults, because an adolescent is a person who is no longer a child but is not yet an adult. They are special population for whom psychotherapeutic intervention needs to be customized considering the emotional and behavioural exigencies. Identification and changing unhealthy thoughts and behaviours is the central idea of CBT and is becoming the treatment of choice for children and adolescents. The chapter deals with application of CBT in adolescent.
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Types Of Therapies

Wolberg, (1995) in his book “The techniques of psychotherapy” discussed psychotherapies in three major categories: Supportive Psychotherapies, Re-educative Psychotherapies and Reconstructive psychotherapies. According to him all psychoanalytical and psychodynamic therapies comes under re-constructive therapy and all time framed, short form, aiming on symptomatology comes under re-educative psychotherapies. While, techniques that are sympathetic in nature and provide hope, and sympathy and are basically uses as an adjunctive therapy are supportive therapies.

Every schools of psychology have different view toward mental illness and their management. Theoretical development of each school was based on particular target group and specific problems. Hence each school have their own understanding for casual and maintaining factors of all type of psychological problems. Therefore, founders and developers of different schools have generated and adopted a little unique way of management. Therapies developed on the theories of these schools are different in nature and we can divide them as follows.

  • 1.

    Psychoanalysis and Psychodynamic psychotherapies,

  • 2.

    Humanistic psychotherapy,

  • 3.

    Gestalt psychotherapy,

  • 4.

    Existential psychotherapy,

  • 5.

    Cognitive behaviour therapy,

  • 6.

    Transactional therapy,

  • 7.

    Family therapy,

  • 8.

    Reality therapy.


Approaches Of Therapies

Psychotherapeutic need of every client differs from another client and Therapists too employ different approaches as per the need. Approaches differ from anything between a few sessions to a number of years of intensive contact between client and therapist. Professionals select a type of psychotherapy for a variety of reasons, including its empirical effectiveness. There are three broad categorical approaches toward all type of psychotherapies. In this, the oldest psychodynamic psychotherapy tends towards a pessimistic view of the human condition whereas a humanistic and integrative approach is essentially optimistic in nature and procedures. Psychodynamic model of psychotherapy give more emphasis on conflict and attempts to resolve it.

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