Prospects and Scopes of Data Mining Applications in Society Development Activities

Prospects and Scopes of Data Mining Applications in Society Development Activities

Hakikur Rahman
Copyright: © 2009 |Pages: 27
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-657-0.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


Society development activities are continuous processes that are intended to uplift the livelihood of communities and thereby empower the members of communities. Along the way of socialization, these sorts of activities have become intrinsic phenomenon of a society, though, day-by-day their developments are intricately adopting innovative scientific techniques. Innovations and technologies, especially, the information and communication technologies have graced the development actors with dynamically improved tools and techniques to design, develop and implement diversified performances globally. Rapidly developed new ICTs gave the development initiators tremendous boost to take many indigenous that are geographically dispersed, but could easily be monitored. However, many of the development projects lack of proper management, thorough analysis, appropriate need assessment, and seemingly could not sustain. In most cases, development partners blame each others, among them are the initiators, designers, implementers, or the donors. Subsequently, in many countries, most innovative success cases could not see the light of sustainability, due to improper reporting, monitoring, and feedback. In consequences, projects fail. This chapter tries to establish methodologies for establishing successful development initiatives, synergizing a few success cases. Furthermore, utilizing recently available means, as such data mining, projects and activities around each corner of the globe can be easily recorded, adequately analyzed, monitored, and reported for their successful replication in other countries with necessary favorable condition exists. This chapter also highlighted a few areas of development aspects and hints application of data mining tools, through which decision-making would be easier. Along this perspective, this chapter has put forward a few potential areas of society development initiatives, where data mining applications can be engaged. The focus area varies from basic education, health care, general commodities, tourism, ecosystem management to a few advanced uses, including database tomography. Finally, the chapter provides some future challenges and recommendations in terms of using data mining applications for empowering knowledge society.

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