Proposing a Knowledge Amphora Model for Transition towards Mobile Government

Proposing a Knowledge Amphora Model for Transition towards Mobile Government

Tunc D. Medeni, I. Tolga Medeni, Asim Balci
Copyright: © 2013 |Pages: 23
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-2654-6.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
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As an important project for Turkey to achieve Information/Knowledge Society Strategic Goals, the e-Government Gateway currently focuses on the delivery of public services via a single portal on the Internet. In later stages, other channels such as mobile devices will be available for use, underlying a transition towards mobile and ubiquitous government services. In order to provide a supportive base for this transition, the authors develop a modeling of knowledge amphora (@), and link this conceptual model with the e-government gateway. Based on Knowledge Science concepts such as ubiquity, ba (physical, virtual, mental place for relationship-building and knowledge-creation), ma (time-space in-between-ness), reflection and refraction, the modeling of Knowledge Amphora incorporates the interactions @ the Internet and mobile devices that contribute to cross-cultural information transfer and knowledge creation. The paper presents recent electronic and mobile government developments of E-Government Gateway Project in Turkey as an application example of this philosophical and theoretical modeling. The contributed Ubiquitous Participation Platform for Policy Making (UbiPOL) project aims to develop a ubiquitous platform allowing citizens to be involved in policy making processes (PMPs). The resulting work is a practical case study as that develops new m-government operations.
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Knowledge In E-Government Services

Within the scope of “e-services and mobile applications”; generally, importance of knowledge and knowledge management is recognized in the literature on e-government and public transformation. For example, Reid, Bardzki and McNamee (2004) underline the importance of communication and culture in addition to knowledge-sharing processes and appropriate infrastructure establishing a knowledge-enabled environment to effect (local) government reform. More generically, Cooper, Lichtenstein, Smith (2009) highlight the challenging nature of knowledge transfer among stakeholders to consider and resolve various needs and concerns for success of Internet-based (Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) support) services. Meanwhile, interoperability of different e-government initiatives actually refers (internally or externally) “to the process of ensuring that information systems, procedures and culture of an organization are managed with the aim to maximize opportunities for the exchange and re-use of information” (Brusa, Caliusco, & Chiotti, 2007, p. 35). Furthermore, benefiting from common understandings for the stages of e-government services (such as Layne & Lee, 2001), Fraser et al. (2003)2 apply a perspective of knowledge into these common stages. (p.14)

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