Proposal Intervention Based on the Classroom Project: STEAM Project at the Instituto Politécnico Nacional

Proposal Intervention Based on the Classroom Project: STEAM Project at the Instituto Politécnico Nacional

María Elena Zepeda Hurtado, Alma Alicia Benítez Pérez, Betsabé Adalia Contreras Domínguez
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3868-5.ch006
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The objective of the chapter is the elaboration of an intervention proposal based on the STEAM Integrator Project that from mathematics addresses the issues related to the 2030 Agenda proposed by the United Nations. The central element of the proposal is to consider the context and interest of the student for the selection of a topic related to science to explain it, argue it, and describe it in order to model it from different disciplines of the physical-mathematical area in the Upper Middle Level of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional.
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The imminent change in the industry is evident in its impact on various production scenarios worldwide, a clear example is in the progress of the Industrial Revolutions, patent in the characterization that Del Val (2016) makes of industrial revolutions: The first Industrial Revolution (18th and 19th centuries) is characterized mainly by the mechanization of agricultural and artisanal production processes. The second Revolution (20th century) is defined by serial production that allowed manufacturing products for mass consumption, consequently, the third Industrial Revolution (late 20th century), a transformation that occurs with the rise of electronics and computing, a characterized by the automation of production lines and machines that perform repetitive tasks. The Fourth Industrial Revolution takes advantage of information technologies, robotics and sensors, resulting in the Internet of Things (loT).

Changes in the industry, in the forms of production and the economy require trained personnel to adapt, and of course, the training processes of the personnel who will work in the industry require current and appropriate training. In the World Economic Forum on Latin America (2018), the current challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution are considered for sustainable development such as the distribution of government services in a transparent way, machine learning to connect job seekers with job offers, the precision medicine to improve healthcare outcomes, or Internet of Things sensors to use water more efficiently. However, the greatest challenge of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is the development of talent and skills necessary for professional retraining for job creation, opportunity generation and economic development.

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