Promoting Sustainability: Mitigating the Water Footprint in AI-Embedded Data Centres

Promoting Sustainability: Mitigating the Water Footprint in AI-Embedded Data Centres

Sheelratan Shashikant Bansode, Rahul Hiremath, Gurudevi Rahul Hiremath
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9863-7.ch010
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Artificial intelligence (AI) applications are expanding quickly, which has boosted demand for data centers and created serious environmental problems, notably in relation to water use. The main goal of this project is to promote sustainability by reducing the water footprint in data centers with integrated AI. It looks at many techniques and tools that can be used to use less water while still getting the best results and efficiency. This research offers important insights into environmentally friendly practices for AI-embedded data centers by examining water-efficient cooling approaches, hardware optimization, water recycling, and intelligent water management systems. Data center operators will be able to promote the development and expansion of AI technologies while also helping the environment by putting these methods into practice.
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Data centers, the foundation of digital infrastructure, have recently seen a spike in demand as a result of the exponential growth of data-driven technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) (Next Move Strategy Consulting, 2023, H.-A. Ounifi et al, 2022). Along with server counts the amount of power demand is also increasing (A. Shehabi et al, 2016). Numerous servers and other pieces of computing hardware are housed in these data centres, which utilize a lot of water and other resources as shown in figure 1.

Table 1:
Digital and energy indicators for global trends in 2015-2021
Internet Users3 billion4.9 billion+60%
Internet Traffic0.6 ZB3.4 ZB+440%
Data Centre workloads180 million160 million+260%
Date Centre energy use (excluding crypto)200 TWh220 - 320 TWh+10-60%
Crypto mining energy use4 TWh100-140 TWh+2300-3300%
Data transmission network energy use220 TWh260-340 TWh+20-60%

Source: Data Centres and Data Transmission Networks – Analysis - IEA

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