Promoting Online Safety: The Government's Role in Combating Cyber Harassment and Cybercrime Through Social Media Platforms

Promoting Online Safety: The Government's Role in Combating Cyber Harassment and Cybercrime Through Social Media Platforms

Ravishankar Krishnan, Rajalakshmi Vel, Priyanka Zala, S. Thandayuthapani, H. Moideen Batcha, Kalyani Velusamy, Theju Kumar Chandrappa
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7450-1.ch012
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Social media offers great power and potential to all kinds of users, and it is not free from threats and risks that come along with the adoption of new tools and innovations. There is cyber stalking, sexting, bullying happening substantially. Anonymity of the virtual world has contributed to online harassment and lack of awareness. This research assesses the awareness and perception of female college students of Indian universities. The opinion of senior government officials in regulating social media to improve cyber resilience is sought. Using judgement sampling technique, 463 responses were collected through questionnaire method. The majority of respondents perceive social media as a useful place for infotainment. There is awareness however that respondents don't want to limit themselves and they are open to posting pictures, tweeting, commenting on unknown posts. Among many online platforms, incidence of cyber harassment is high on social media platforms. The main contribution of this study is to emphasize the need to treat cyber behaviour as a foundational course in today's parallel world.
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Cyber Harassment: A Mounting Worry In The Age Of Covid Worldwide

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about significant transformations in various aspects of our daily lives. With widespread lockdown measures in place worldwide, our new “normal” heavily relies on digital platforms. Since March 2020, there has been a remarkable increase in global internet usage, soaring by 50-70%. The advancements in digital technologies have enabled the world to adapt by moving jobs and services online, facilitating remote work, online grocery shopping, virtual communication with distant family members, and telehealth appointments. However, along with increased connectivity, the digital space has also witnessed a surge in cyber harassment. This form of violence manifests in different ways, including online bullying, cyber stalking, hate speech, and public shaming (Lallie, et al, 2021). Similar to offline violence, cyber harassment inflicts negative psychological, social, and reproductive health impacts on its victims and can even escalate to physical and sexual violence offline. Moreover, it has significant economic consequences. For instance, recent research from the Australian Institute estimates that online harassment and cyberhate have cost Australia approximately $3.7 billion in health expenses and lost income (Amarullah, A. H., Runturambi, & Widiawan, 2021).

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