Proloquo2Go (P2G) in the Classroom: Providing Speech, Communication, Behavioral Support, Academic, and Social Support for Students

Proloquo2Go (P2G) in the Classroom: Providing Speech, Communication, Behavioral Support, Academic, and Social Support for Students

Nicole L. Lambright
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6424-3.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
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Proloquo2Go is an alternative/augmentative communication device that uses pictures, written words, and text-to-speech to provide a means of communication for those without adequate verbal communication skills. Proloquo2Go can be used across all settings and is commonly used in educational settings with students who need assistance with personal communication. This system can be personalized to meet the individual's needs and icons can be organized by category and topic. Proloquo2Go is beneficial for building social skills, participating meaningfully in class discussions, and for leisure and employment-related skills. Users of the system can choose from five languages to meet individual needs.
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Augmentative or alternative communication (AAC) is a method of communicating language for those who do not use verbal speech. Unaided AAC can be accomplished through sign language, gestures, or photos, while aided AAC combines these with some form of speech output. In this chapter we’ll explore the use of AAC for students who benefit from AAC and will focus our learning on a specific AAC program called Proloquo2Go (P2G).

AAC devices have long been used with children who have expressive (use of language to share ideas with others) or receptive (understanding the language used by others) language challenges. These children may have co-occurring physical disabilities that make the use of sign language impossible, or cognitive processing disorders that make learning and applying sign language so difficult that it is not an effective means of communication. Regardless of the reason for the need for an AAC output device, children with language use impairments typically display increased psychosocial impairment, reduced academic performance, and diminished social opportunity as compared to typical peers (Berenguer et al., 2022). Most AAC devices provide pictures or symbols that, when tapped by the user, provide a speech output of the corresponding word (Langarika-Rocafort et al., 2021).

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