Project Management Tools and Techniques to Deal With Disruptive Situations in Projects: An Applied Research in the Colombian Context

Project Management Tools and Techniques to Deal With Disruptive Situations in Projects: An Applied Research in the Colombian Context

César Hernando Rincón-González, Hugo Fernando Castro-Silva, Libardo Florez
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8185-8.ch012
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This research work aims to analyze how project management tools and techniques help project managers to deal the disruption in projects in the Colombian business context. Firstly, a detailed literature review about project management and disruption was conducted. Secondly, a comprehensive scientometric analysis of project management and disruptive situations on this kind of endeavor was undertaken. Thirdly, tools and techniques suitable for handling disruptive situations on projects were identified. Fourthly, an extensive fieldwork over 700 organizations from the Colombian organizational context was executed. Fifthly, a detailed statistical analysis was carried out to determinate how project management tools and techniques contribute to handle disruption on this kind of initiatives. And finally, research findings were documented, a positive effect of the use of project management tools and techniques to face disruptive situations on project was found, conclusions were set, and future lines of research were defined.
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Disruption in project management, is a topic of research that had been increasing its appearance on the scientific literature on resent years ((Scopus, 2021) and Web of Science (WOS, 2021), in order to identify the suitable project management tools and techniques to deal with disruptive situations on this kind of endeavors, it is required to conduct a details literature review on this regard.

Initially, key terms on the matter of research were defined. Latter, a detailed scientometric analysis was conducted on main bibliometric tools by including, as a search topic, the terms disruption and project management.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Complexity: A characteristic of a project that implies difficulty on its management and therefore demands enormous effort to lead it to a successful closing.

Disruption: A characteristic of a project that affects its planning, baselines, assumptions, constrains, and other project management artifacts, that may compromise the ability of the project to reach its objectives.

Project Management: The application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques, to deal whit disruption, as a way to achieve project’s goals.

Risk: An uncertain event or situation that if occurs, may have a positive or negative impact on project´s objectives and/or goals.

Change: A situation in a project that modified its planning generated by a disruptive situation on the project itself and/or its environment.

Tools and Techniques: Part of a defined project management methodology, designed to solve situations that may occur on a given project, included those of a disruptive nature.

Unpredictability: A result of a project caused by disruption and or complexity, that makes difficult to predict the way the project will follow.

Uncertainty: A characteristic of a project related to the lack of knowledge, understanding, and/or awareness, that affect its ability of fulfill project goals, by increasing the impact of issues and risks.

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