Project Management and Changes in Inbound Tourism to the Czech Republic: A Case Study of Germans Incoming During the Coronavirus Crisis

Project Management and Changes in Inbound Tourism to the Czech Republic: A Case Study of Germans Incoming During the Coronavirus Crisis

Gabriela Antošová, Karel Němejc
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5976-8.ch005
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The aim of this chapter is to introduce current German clientele with regards to inbound tourism to the Czech Republic, and to uncover concrete forms of support of inbound tourism from Germany to the Czech Republic. Content analysis was provided for the quantitative and qualitative secondary data about the inbound German tourism to the Czech Republic for the years 2012-2019. Furthermore, the analysis compares the turnout of separate quarters of the period from 2015 to 2020 with an emphasis on seasonal trends and changes in inbound tourism due to the COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions. Good results of this source market in the Czech Republic's inbound tourism are usually taken for granted due to its size and geographical proximity; however, the implications of the pandemic are reflected not only on tourist arrivals from Germany but also on their support, which is implemented in relation to the German market by selected entities at all levels of tourism management in the Czech Republic, and also some private entities.
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Literature Review

In 2018, tourism accounted for 2.9% of the Czech Republic's GDP, which corresponds to EUR 6.12 billion. In the tourism sector were employed 241,000 people - accounting for 4.4% of total employment. Consumption in tourism (domestic and foreign visitors) amounted to EUR 11.8 billion, of which domestic tourism accounted for EUR 50.48 billion (43%) and inbound tourism for EUR 67.4 billion (57%). This value was generated by 32.27 million foreign visitors. Czechs spent a total of EUR 3.32 billion on foreign trips, while revenues from tourism exceeded expenditures by EUR 3.4 billion (ČSÚ, 2020).

Figure 1.

GDP per capita in EURO in 2019 for the Czech regions

Source: Helmuth Yesid Arias Gomez, GIS own elaboration according to data Eurostat, 2019 (unpublished)

The map shows up the GDP per capita in EURO in 2019 for the Czech regions and the neighboring countries. Several conclusions:

  • The potential markets with highest levels of income are the German and the Austrian Regions.

  • Some advertising campaigns can be focused on the German regions, provided the strength in the consume capacity of this regions and the proximity to Czech regions of Karlovy Vary, Liberec and Ústí and Labem.

  • In the Czech territory at the German border, several attractions can excel: cultural heritage, snow and sky activities, historical spots, natural surroundings and cultural assets.

  • The cheaper cost of living in the CR and the exchange rate effect make more attractive the Czech destinations.

Precisely the most lagged Czech regions belong to the border fringe with the German neighbors. Over there a higher international integration can improve the economic conditions in the Czech territories.

Key Terms in this Chapter

New Tourism Segments After Coronavirus Crisis: Analysis manifested themselves as communication campaigns designed to target groups according to age segmentation. This segmentation can be supplemented by a more elaborate psychographic segmentation, which would not focus on age groups, but on interest groups.

Inbound Tourism: Comprehensive view of the tourism activities of individual entities that support tourism resource market in the selected country. A movement of foreign tourists to the selected country of interest.

Changes in the Support of German Inbound Tourism to the Czech Republic: Suggestions for practice that could complement the identified forms of support for inbound tourism and thus increase the benefits that the number of visitors to German tourists represents for the Czech Republic

Important Resource Market: Germany is an important resource market for many destinations in the world. For the Czech Republic, it is the most important foreign source market. High numbers of arrivals are taken for granted - the German source market is not systematically given attention in professional articles or publications.

Renewal of Tourism: Contactless payments in local transport, contactless check-in for a pre-allocated seat, contactless check-in in accommodation facilities, electronic tickets, creation of new jobs with higher added value through the introduction of new technologies and the understanding of innovation and sustainability as essential building blocks of the “new” tourism as a priority.

Digitization and Tourism Sustainability During the Crisis: The tourism sector is “trying to fight for survival” by reaching out to existing clients and gaining new ones, and faces greater pressure on the quality of services - with emphasis on sustainability, digitization and automation of related administration (reservations, orders, payments).

The Sensitivity of German Consumers: To their protection has also changed - for 71% of respondents is important to guarantee a refund in case of non-travel, fair cancellation conditions just before departure and the certainty that in case of flight cancellation, other transport connections or possible closure of state borders they will be able to get home.

German Interest in Travelling: Examined in a qualitative survey by the independent non-commercial company Forschungsgemeinschaft Urlaub und Reisen in September 2020, it was shown that the Germans' willingness to travel is the same as in 2019, in all criteria: time, money and interest. They would prefer to travel as usual, only more often in their own car and to already known, trusted destinations.

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