Professional Stress From the Implementation of Innovative Technologies: Case of Azerbaijan

Professional Stress From the Implementation of Innovative Technologies: Case of Azerbaijan

Aida Guliyeva, Ulviyya Rzayeva
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3937-1.ch009
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This study provides answers to questions about the mechanisms of innovative stress as a reaction of the human brain to colossal nervous overloads, factors of information stress, and the modern vision of the theory of psychological stress caused by an abundance of information. A significant part of the study is devoted to the problems caused by the stress of the need to adopt innovations in countries with a low level of computer literacy, as exemplified by Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is being assessed as a country with an economy in transition. The workforce of the organizations is estimated as a key resource for the implementation of innovations and ensuring their viability. Significant difficulties in adapting specialists to the changing content of activities and new working conditions are considered the main reasons for the development and exacerbation of the professional stress of employees in a situation of organizational transformation.
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Innovation activity in the modern system of development and management of an organization occupies an important place. In this regard, in the context of changes, the implementation of innovations meets certain resistance (Karazhia, 2021; Palyvoda et al., 2018). Innovation can be viewed as a process in which transformations (changes) occur in work, contributing to the adaptation of new experiences and obtaining a certain result (Hooli, 2021).

The relevance of the study of occupational stress and approaches to their management is due to the fact that stress affects the financial and socio-psychological stability of the organization and the state of staff. Therefore, it is important for both managers and employees to know modern approaches to stress management.

The article investigates the concept and symptoms of stress and examines stress factors presented by domestic and foreign scientists. The diversity of stressors leads to the awareness that there are no universal approaches to stress management (Terry, Tonge, & Callan, 1995; Geydar, 2020; Rajalakshmi, & Gomathi, 2015).

The main method of this research was a theoretical analysis of the problems of understanding innovation by employees in modern conditions.

The novelty of the work lies in the elaboration of the “stress” construct through the systematization of modern causes and manifestations of stress among the personnel of an innovative company. In addition to the practical significance of studying the characteristics of the dynamics of professional stress in the process of organizational changes, the theoretical significance of this topic can also be noted.

The work analyzes in detail the professional stress of an employee of the enterprise, which traces the activity of introducing innovations associated with a heavy workload, a lack of incentives, and a seemingly unfair assessment of work.

The main purpose of this study is to comprehensively substantiate the concept of stress from innovation in the enterprise and consider its consequences. In the process of working on the named problem, the researchers considered the problem from several points of view: clinical psychology, social and behavioral resistance, organizational protests, etc.

The chapter is intended for all managers and teams working or conducting their business in a developing resource-based country who understand the need for systematic innovations and fully foresee the socio-psychological consequences of these processes, can predict and manage them, i.e., plan organizational development.

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