Production Information Systems Usability in Jordan

Production Information Systems Usability in Jordan

Emad Abu-Shanab, Heyam Al-Tarawneh
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1945-6.ch053
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Enterprise systems are becoming more important as they support the efficiency and effectiveness of operations and reduce cost. In this chapter we explored the literature related to production information systems (PIS), enterprise systems, and other applications and their influence in an industrial zone in Jordan. Constructs from the Innovation Diffusion Theory were used, where results indicated that the adoption rate is acceptable and all variables have high means with respect to their evaluation by managers, but only two variable significantly predicted intention to use. In a second study that explored the status of IT usage in manufacturing firms using a different sample, results indicated that accounting information systems were widely used and distribution systems and manufacturing aiding systems were the least used. Other findings, conclusions and future work are stated at the end of the chapter.
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Many theories tackled the adoption of new technology concepts and proposed a variety of theories and models that exceeded hundreds of propositions and variables. The argument in this domain emphasizes finding the suitable set of “factors” that can predict users' behavior with respect to using new technology. Most theories and research utilized the users' “intention to use” the technology as a surrogate to actual usage of the technology. Thus, many theories used “Intention to Use” (ITU) as the dependent variable, and proposed many predictors ranging from two variables to more than ten in some cases. The following section will explore the literature related to the IDT and other theories in the technology acceptance domain, then literature related to production information systems and enterprise resources planning systems usage.

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