Preschool Teacher Evaluations of the Distance Education Process

Preschool Teacher Evaluations of the Distance Education Process

Özge Misirli, Hatice Deli
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8405-7.ch024
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To plan distance education processes more effectively during the preschool period, it is necessary to determine how distance education processes are carried out. This situation reveals the importance of this study. Considering that it is not possible to collect data from preschool children due to the limitations, the opinions of teachers who are close observers of their education are important. The study's aim is to look at preschool teachers' perspectives on remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic in preschool and what more can be done. For this purpose, qualitative and quantitative data were gathered from teachers. Problems can be grouped under four headings: communication problems, classroom management issues, technical problems, and others. Also, according to the teachers, the distance education process has negative and positive effects on students such as inactivity, inability to socialize, developmental negativity, and shy participation of students in order to provide their lessons.
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Undergraduate and graduate level distance education has continued in various universities for many years in Turkey. Similarly, open education high school and open education secondary school continue their educational activities for individuals who have not attended post-primary education. However, distance education across the country and at all educational levels is an untested process. In addition, psychological difficulties and health concerns caused by the pandemic have been added to this process. As a result, the physical difficulties of effectively continuing distance education activities have increased. Unexpected interruption of education in formal schools is new and worrisome for both parents, teachers and students. However, in order to continue education in this process, emergency remote education processes were implemented in order to find a temporary solution to the crisis situation (Bozkurt et al., 2020). It is possible to say that although emergency remote education has brought a quick solution under the conditions, it cannot be carried out effectively in some age groups especially preschool groups.

Key Terms in this Chapter

EBA: A platform established by the Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Turkey and offering online educational content.

Screen Time: All the times children are exposed to screens during the day both for fun and education.

Pandemic: The epidemic that appeared in China in November 2019, spread all over the world and still continues.

Academic Success: The level of accessing the skills that preschool children should acquire before primary school.

Emergency Remote Teaching: A sudden instructional delivery due to crisis circumstances.

Preschool Teacher: Teachers who are graduated from Faculty of Education, Preschool Education Department after 4 years.

Preschool Education: Institutions where children aged 3-6 are educated.

MoNE: The ministry dealing with the education and training process in Turkey.

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