Prediction of Early Heart Attack for Post-COVID-19 Patients Using IoT Sensors and Machine Learning

Prediction of Early Heart Attack for Post-COVID-19 Patients Using IoT Sensors and Machine Learning

G. Indirani, G. Revathy, Suresh Kumar Ramu Ganesan, P. G. Palanimani
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6855-5.ch008
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Medical professionals who work in the field of heart disease have their own set of limitations, and they can only anticipate heart attacks with a 67% accuracy rate. Doctors require a support system to better forecast heart disease in today's epidemic condition. This chapter describes the architecture for checking heart rate and other data monitoring approaches, as well as how to leverage machine learning techniques. One example of it is random forest classification algorithm to forecast heart attacks using gathered heart rate data and other health-related information. The methodology employed in this chapter is data gathering utilising IoT sensors for post-COVID-19 patients, and the patients' risk of heart attack is forecasted. The chosen random forest algorithm has a 93% accuracy rating.
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In the medical field, predictive analytics can assist in transforming a reactive healthcare strategy into a proactive one. Advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies are permeating the healthcare sector. Deep learning, a branch of machine learning, holds the transformative potential for precisely analysing massive amounts of data at remarkable speeds, eliciting wise insights, and successfully resolving challenging problems. The major cause of death for close to 1 crore 20 lakh people, according to WHO estimates, is heart disease. The two most frequent illnesses affecting the heart are ischemic heart diseases and strokes. Cardiovascular Disease (CVD), sometimes known as heart disease, is a broad term that refers to a variety of heart-related conditions. Maintaining an unhealthy diet, leading a sedentary lifestyle, using tobacco, and drinking too much alcohol are listed by the World Health Organization as the most important behavioural risk factors for CVD. Chronic exposure to these risk factors, which include obesity, raised blood lipids, elevated blood pressure, and elevated blood glucose, can manifest as an early indicator of CVD. Shortness of breath, chronic coughing or wheezing, ankle and foot edema, continual weariness, loss of appetite, and trouble thinking are some of the warning indications that are identified by the American Heart Association. Corona virus may also contribute to heart disease. With prompt treatment initiation to stop future health deterioration, effective early diagnosis can significantly lower the risk and worldwide burden of CVD. A machine learning algorithm that can predict the likelihood of getting CVD based on the presence of risk variables is urgently needed. The heart, one of the most important organs in the body, pumps blood as well. It is regarded as the most important component of the human body (Priya et al., 2023; Revathy, Priya, Senthilnathan et al, 2023; Revathy, Venkateswaran, Senthil Murugan et al, 2023). It is made up of a network of blood vessels that includes lymphatic vessels as well as arteries, capillaries, and veins. Blood is distributed through our system with the aid of blood vessels. Anomalies in the heart's blood flow lead to a number of cardiac conditions, such as heart attacks, coronary heart disease, and strokes (CVD). Many disorders, including congenital heart disease, arrhythmia, heart failure, etc., also referred to as cardiovascular diseases, might manifest if any form of heart abnormality is present. The different heart conditions include

  • A.

    Congenital heart disease is a hereditary abnormality that affects a person's heart from birth.

  • B.

    Arrhythmia - Arrhythmia happens when a person's regular heartbeat alters.

  • C.

    Coronary Artery Disease - The heart's muscle receives nourishment and oxygen through its arteries. The coronary arteries may be harmed or deteriorated by high cholesterol levels. High cholesterol reduces the quantity of oxygen and nutrients the coronary arteries can deliver to the body.

  • D.

    Congestive heart failure, also referred to as heart failure, is a condition that develops when blood does not circulate properly and efficiently throughout the body.

Cardiomyopathy is the term used to describe the condition that affects the heart muscles.

Heart muscle illness is brought on by the human heart's walls thickening or expanding. The body's blood flow is reduced as a result of this illness, which makes the heart work harder.

  • F.

    The human heart has four valves. Heart valve disease. These four valves are in charge of pumping blood throughout the entire body.

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