Predicting Natural Disasters With AI and Machine Learning

Predicting Natural Disasters With AI and Machine Learning

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 26
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3362-4.ch003
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The unpredictability and devastating impacts of the natural disasters necessitate the advanced methods for early detection and mitigation. The paper delves into the transformative potential of AI and ML in analyzing extensive datasets comprising historical records, meteorological information, geological data, and satellite imagery. By leveraging neural networks, deep learning algorithms, and data analytics enables the creation of sophisticated predictive models for a range of natural disasters, including earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and tsunamis. Incorporating real-time data from IoT devices and remote sensing technologies further bolsters the accuracy of predictions. This abstract highlights the role of AI and ML not only in forecasting disasters but also in optimizing resource allocation during response efforts, identifying vulnerable regions, and enhancing early warning systems. Here, practical examples and case studies of successful AI and ML applications in disaster prediction, underlining their potential to redefine disaster preparedness and response is focused.
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Literature Review

Disaster management (Abdalla & Esmall, 2018; Comfort, 2005; Lettieri, 2009) is a comprehensive and dynamic process that involves the strategic planning, coordination, and implementation of measures to mitigate, respond to, recover from, and ultimately minimize the impact of disasters. Disasters can take various forms, ranging from natural calamities like earthquakes, floods (Abdullahi et al., 2018; Acar & Muraki, 2011), and hurricanes to human-made incidents such as industrial accidents, technological hazards, and acts of terrorism. Disaster management aims to safeguard lives, protect property, and ensure the swift and effective restoration of affected communities.

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