Pragmatic Risk-Based Approach to Cybersecurity: Establishing a Risk-Enhanced Unified Set of Security Controls

Pragmatic Risk-Based Approach to Cybersecurity: Establishing a Risk-Enhanced Unified Set of Security Controls

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9018-1.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
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Sometimes security and technology professionals confuse their state of compliance with their security posture. While an organization can meet the requirements to any regulatory standard (HIPAA, SOC, etc.), doing so should not be construed as meeting the requirements to defend a potential cyberattack, provide data protection during business processing, or maintain a highly secure development environment. In this chapter, the authors discuss how security and compliance can co-exist. They associate each one of these with controls that are either derived from formal frameworks or meet custom operational or other requirements of an organization. They explore how each control needs to be implemented with a risk perspective in mind, and finally, they suggest methods on how to manage such a control catalog.
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Why Compliant Does Not Mean Secure

Compliance guidelines are provided as a generalized method to define common minimum standards for a specific area of concern such as payment industry, healthcare, financial information and so on. Given the high degree of interpretation that each guideline is subject to, any blind strict adherence will not result in any material improvements in security or operations. There are many factors that can still cause a security failure despite an organization's adherence to the standard. Lack of skilled staff, human error, availability of information to support breach detection, dysfunctional organizational structures are all contributors to bad security despite meeting the compliance standards.

Establishing a framework is a very complicated undertaking. As Table 1 suggests, most frameworks are updated in regular intervals, yet keeping up with the pace and implementation of certain updates can be challenging.

Table 1.
Popular frameworks and their latest version/release date
FrameworkCurrent VersionRelease Date
NIST1.1April 2018
ISO 27001/2700235.030 -35.030October 2022 - March 2022
CIS8May 2021
SOC2Oct 2022Oct 2022
PCI-DSS4Mar 2022
HiTrust11Jan 2023
Cloud Control Matrix (CSA)4Jan 2021
CMMC2Nov 2021
HIPAA2023Jan 2023

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