Powerful AI in Social Science Research

Powerful AI in Social Science Research

Satinder Singh, Rashmi Aggarwal
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 8
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3015-9.ch012
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The never-ending improvements in artificial intelligence models have been astonishing in each sphere of life, especially the business segments and academic research. Even though the involvement of AI in social and business environments has already raised many key concerns, academia and business world experts recommend safely deploying this next digital revolution. Several key aspects of AI can bring forth marvelous results. In this chapter, the authors advocate a safety model of AI which can not only speed up the research tools and technique but also open the broader window to achieve the research objectives with more depth and explanatory answers. This chapter's major contribution is exploring viable and secure solutions to use powerful AI models to improve and faster the social science research approaches.
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New Avatar Chatgpt In Research

The new Avatar ChatGPT is a blend of numerous technologies, for example, deep learning, auto-pilot, instruction fine-tuning, multi-task learning, text-to-text, text-to-image, image-to-text, image-to-image, image-to-video, text-to-video, and video-to-video result (Wu et al., 2023). Since its introduction in 2018, ChatGPT has gained momentum in every sphere of life and it has been successfully finding its real applications despite being sharply criticized by well-known philosophers throughout the world. Kocoń et al., (2023), strongly support ChatGPT as a Jack of All of the Trades; efficient in decoding mathematical equations (Frieder Simon et al., 2023); and ChatGPT 4.0 version capable of blurring the line between reality and artificial. In research, ChatGPT has become a crucial tool for all researchers that ask them to first adopt and then adapt to its fast-processing results-generating machine. Scholars must align their learning efforts as well as match the pace of fast-processed information concerning research purposes. Moreover, the new data-driven era backed by AI technology requires precise and appropriately sorted information on time thus the New Avatar of ChatGPT shows its readiness to deal with the fast to fastest commands in research. Unquestionably, the ChatGPT technique is the future of Social Science research.

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