Potential Applications of Transmedia Storytelling for Fostering SDG Awareness and Action

Potential Applications of Transmedia Storytelling for Fostering SDG Awareness and Action

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8984-0.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
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Transmedia storytelling is a method of reaching fandoms and communities by telling interconnected stories across different platforms and mediums, offering audiences a multitude of touchpoints through which to enter the story for a unique experience of how a narrative unfolds. This method of storytelling has been successfully employed by entertainment franchises such as Marvel, Star Wars, and Game of Thrones, but has also proven beneficial as marketing and even educational approaches. In this chapter, the author will discuss the foundations of transmedia storytelling and how such an approach could be used to better understanding and attitudes towards SDGs.
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2. The Challenges Of Linear Storytelling?

Navigating the labyrinth of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)—a tangled network of 17 goals aiming to confront global adversities and cultivate a sustainable future—is no mean feat. The task of effectively conveying the essence of the SDGs becomes an uphill battle, and the traditional storytelling methods reveal their limitations more starkly when grappling with the complexities embedded in these goals. The stumbling blocks traditional storytelling encounters spring from a plethora of sources, including the varied interests and apprehensions of audiences, the wide spectrum of familiarity with the SDGs, and the uphill task of making abstract notions tangible and relatable.

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