Portals and Interoperability in Local Government

Portals and Interoperability in Local Government

Peter Shackleton, Rick Molony
Copyright: © 2007 |Pages: 7
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-989-2.ch126
(Individual Chapters)
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While the popularity of electronic government is evident in most countries, the true benefits to communities can only be obtained if there is access to services across all levels of government. Sadly, the multilevel nature of government often means that citizens are frustrated when accessing services that span many bureaucracies. Interoperability, which is the breaking down of barriers between the different layers of government to support the seamless delivery of services, is enhanced by the use of portals. This article looks at the limited use of portals in the local government sector in Australia, and how they have been used to assist staff within councils, and to support communities and businesses. It also examines the problems faced by local governments in implementing portals. The article concludes with a discussion of interoperability in the local Australian government sector, and how it can be used to support portal development.

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