Policy Guidelines Post ChatGPT Era in Education, Research, and Public Administration: A Document Analysis

Policy Guidelines Post ChatGPT Era in Education, Research, and Public Administration: A Document Analysis

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9300-7.ch014
(Individual Chapters)
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ChatGPT is an extensive language generative artificial model used to generate content of various kinds. This brings several challenges in education, research, and public administration. The document analysis focuses on formulating policy guidelines for the education, research and public sectors in the post-ChatGPT era. The researcher searched documents from UNESCO, UNICEF, WIPO, PIPEDA, and European Council (EU). The researcher identified a lack of current policies on generative AI, such as ChatGPT. The available policy has been restricted to traditional artificial intelligence and is outdated. However, the chapter identified some available policies on generative AI. The researcher encourages all stakeholders to develop localized policies based on country legislative laws on data protection, privacy, and copyright laws.
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Unesco Recommendation

Formulation of a comprehensive framework encompassing strategic aims and priorities for integrating artificial intelligence (AI) across educational systems. Establishment of a guiding principle that spans all facets of AI and education policies. Implementation of a multidisciplinary strategy involving collaborative planning across diverse disciplines, coupled with inter-sectoral governance mechanisms. Crafting policies and regulations that ensure AI’s impartial, all-encompassing, and ethically sound application, fostering inclusivity and fairness. Elaboration and realization of master plans detailing AI’s incorporation into educational administration, pedagogy, knowledge acquisition, and assessment processes. Introduction of pilot testing, continuous monitoring, evaluative procedures, and creating a solid evidential foundation to support policy development. Encouragement of local AI innovations within the educational context, thereby promoting autonomous growth and development. Table 1 represents the area and recommendations given by UNESCO.

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