Point of View of Economical Organization at Manzanillo's Harbor

Point of View of Economical Organization at Manzanillo's Harbor

José G. Vargas-Hernández, Gabriela Muratalla-Bautista, Irving Daniel Austin Cruz
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2364-2.ch015
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The objective of this research is to analyze Manzanillo's harbor from the perspective of theories based on the Industry, the Dynamic Resources and Institutions, around the Mexican port system based on a review into an updated literature about the port's status and its global environment. The port's competitiveness is based on its resources VRIO, its generic strategies and how it has handled the institutions that affect the port and commercial operation of the port at local, national and international level.
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Background Of The Problem

Trade is:

an activity as old as humanity itself. As soon as an individual, the human being had control or possession of something that someone else wanted or needed, were initiated the exchange relationships (Portales, 2012, p. 12).

Around it can be inferred that the trade began as the exchange of goods or services for a payment, usually receiving money between individuals with the skills to interchange. Meanwhile, international trade is one that occurs between individuals of different nations. International trade has become as the input key to the world's economies to create an atmosphere of interchange of effective goods and services, same services that are necessary for economic, social and cultural development, which help to welfare of countries in the world. No doubt, the international trade's hand is globalization, a process according to Lamy (2006, SP) defines it as

a historical phase of accelerated expansion of the market capitalism. It is a fundamental transformation of the society, due to the recent technological revolution leading to a restructuring of the economic and social forces on a new territorial dimension.

But Loyola, and Schettino (1994, pp. 4-5) mention on globalization that

the process of globalization makes an increasing in the relationship between the production network units of different regions and therefore the relationship between different economies, modifies substantially the structure of the world economy.

As the authors say, globalization has brought fundamental changes into the way: how nations conduct their economies, thereby showing greater international openness, giving rise to a more dynamic world trade and putting through clearer rules and a more fair play.

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