Plastic Waste Management for a Green Future: Methods and Challenges

Plastic Waste Management for a Green Future: Methods and Challenges

Asha Anish Madhavan, Amrutha Nambiar, Simi A. Santosh
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4264-0.ch009
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According to a recent Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development report, global plastic waste production is expected to almost triple by 2060. Since the presence of plastics is unavoidable, the management and proper guidelines for their use are the best way forward. The 3R's—reduce, reuse, and recycle—is the concept that will spread awareness and control use of the plastics. Implementing green chemistry concepts in the fabrication process can help in large reduction of waste output. Plastic waste decomposition can be enhanced by the synergistic action of microorganisms and nanoparticles. Since eliminating plastic altogether is nearly impossible, reusing is considered as one of the easiest and most efficient ways to be sustainable. Moreover, biodegradability of plastics can be improved by the application of nanotechnology. Plastic recycling system currently demands the repurposing of plastic products to a modified form by depositing the waste in proper streams of plastic recycling facilities. This abstract emphasizes the crucial necessity to manage plastic waste effectively for a sustainable and eco-friendly future.
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1. Introduction

We see plastics everywhere – from food and beverage packaging to cosmetics, construction, automotive and pharmaceuticals. Plastics are multifunctional materials, with enhanced chemical/mechanical properties, and are easily molded into diverse shapes to serve a variety of needs. The readily available and inexpensive nature of plastic products has led to unnecessary usage and subsequent disposal, even when reusable alternatives exist. Derived from petroleum, plastics boast unique properties: low weight, superior thermal/electrical insulation properties, remarkable durability and attractive pricing.

While plastics play a major role in protecting and delivering products, their widespread use has led to a significant environmental challenge (Evode et al., 2021; Horton, 2022; Kibria et al., 2023; Geyer et al., 2017; OECD, 2022). The significant environmental impact of plastic waste has spurred the development of several key concepts: reducing plastic use, recycling existing plastic, reusing products whenever possible, and transitioning to a circular economy that prioritizes resource efficiency. Plastics can be categorized based on both their source material (whether renewable or not) and their thermal behavior (thermoplastic/thermosetting plastics). They have a very slow degradation rate in the environment, typically taking hundreds of years to break down (e.g. plastic bags-20 years, fishing lines-600 years, plastic bottles 450 years). The four primary degradation methods of plastics in the environment are photodegradation (light-induced breakdown), thermo oxidative degradation (initiated by heat and oxygen), hydrolytic degradation (water-driven breakdown), and biodegradation (decomposition by microorganisms). The successful recycling and reuse of polymer waste heavily relies on their degradation, either through natural processes or controlled methods, which ultimately minimizes environmental pollution. Photo-oxidative degradation is an extremely slow process, whereby plastic gets converted to products like carbon dioxide, water, and inorganic molecules. Environmental factors (like temperature, humidity, pressure) and high durability of plastics, contribute to the breakdown of larger plastic fragments into smaller particles forming microplastics (from personal care products, plastic pellets, synthetic textiles, car tyres) (Web et al., 2013; Andrady, 2011,; Ying et al., 2005; Jundong et al., 2016). The physical/chemical adsorption of persistent organic pollutants like polychlorinated biphenyls, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane onto microplastics and metals like Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Sb etc enhances the harmful effects of these chemicals in the environment and food chain. In short, by altering habitats and disrupting natural processes, plastic pollution weakens ecosystems' resilience to climate change (Joshi et al., 2024; Jundong et al., 2016).

Plastic materials degrade slowly, leading to decades or even centuries of detrimental impacts. Chemicals leaching from plastics harm wildlife and disrupt ecosystems. As microplastics accumulate in our bodies, they may cause unforeseen health risks. The need for immediate action is urgent. Innovations should be directed towards decreasing plastic production, promoting sustainable alternatives, and enhancing waste management practices to protect our planet and future generations from the consequences of plastic waste.

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