Planning Support System Project Management

Planning Support System Project Management

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1916-5.ch012
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The chapter introduces the planning support system project management. What make GDSS and PSS projects in GDI context specific in comparison to other IT projects? This chapter presents a methodological approach to project management with its various phases: planning, conceptual design, development, and testing. The chapter presents available principles and examples of functional architecture and systems components. The systems approach is applied for information systems development and application development, and ensures that such systems are developed, acquired, evaluated, and operated in an efficient manner within prescribed budget and schedule constraints and responsive to mission requirements.
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The rules for the design of GSDI is based on the analysis of main types of systems which have been developed in the context of SDI (Carrara,P., Fortunati, L., Fresta, G., Gomarasca, M., Bonati, L., P., Poggioli, D., 2004).

A life cycle of such a project starts from the definition of the Strategic Plan and the Feasibility Study, from which derives the tender documentation that professionals in charge of the control and monitoring use as reference during all the project while the appointed general contractor is asked to realize the system components under their strict control.

This approach has been chosen for this kind of project in order to manage the fact that IT is highly dynamic specially in the Geospatial Information and since the Public administration needs may change according to societal and political changes.

The general architecture is considering the participation to the SDI of several types of users according to the main principle that different partners may contribute to the SDI by data and services (Kotsev,A., Cet, V., Dusart, J., Mavridis, D., 2018).

The technical solution which represent the back bone of the system are the cooperative web services: complex and multi services finalized to perform the activities of the offices are based on simple web services either Geospatial services or traditional e-government and IT services.

GDSS in a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) context is considered an ideal mean of support spatial planning since SDI enables the distribution and sharing of the most up-to-date geodata and geoprocessing functionality.

The various workflows of GDSS are designed and implemented based on aggregated web services using Web Processing Service (WPS) inter-face. The workflows consider and include the potential stakeholders could be involved.

SDSS framework has a modular setup. It com-prises several modules SDI framework includes geospatial information, discovery services, data access services, geoprocessing services.

A conceptual framework is linked to the long-term planning process which addresses to an-swer variety of questions the different stakeholders may have with regard to their long-term planning process (Katalin, T., Clemens, P., Andreas, I.,, 2012).

The Commission on Spatial Data Standards of the International Cartographic Association (ICA) has worked on defining formal models and technical characteristics of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI). The Commission presented models of the Enterprise and Information Viewpoints from the ISO Reference Model for Open Distributed Processing (RM-ODP) standard (ISO/IEC 10746:1995).

  • Enterprise View

  • Information View

  • Computation View

  • Engineering View

  • Technology View

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