Philosophy of the Russian Criminal Subculture

Philosophy of the Russian Criminal Subculture

Vladimir Gromov, Dilyara Aksionova
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4964-6.ch016
(Individual Chapters)
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Mediation is a process where the impartial third-party assists negotiating parties to resolve their conflict using specific communication and negotiations techniques. It appears that mediation could be used not only in civil sphere and everyday life between conflicting persons, but also between conflicting inmates. The prison is a place full of conflicts, tension, pain, and discontent. The situation is aggravated by the closed space and hard subordination, where inmates with different backgrounds and level of patience are constantly side by side not being able to disperse. As a result, there is high possibility of crimes conviction especially a recidivism. In this chapter, the authors analyze the criminal subculture in Russian prisons, its philosophy, and its impact to criminals themselves and society. In the modern context of moral and economic crisis and the forfeiting of communistic deals, the criminal world with a mighty heave tries to instill the criminal philosophy into collective consciousness.
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Key Terms in this Chapter

Conflict Resolution: Is a process (way) of reaching an agreement between the conflicting parties.

Restorative Justice: Is a practice that emphasises the need to compensate victims for harm caused by wrongdoing.

Mediation: Is a structured, interactive process where an impartial third party assists conflicting (disputing) parties in resolving conflict.

Mediator: Is a third neutral party that assists conflicting persons to reach a consensus.

Penitentiary Mediation Procedure: Is a way of resolving conflicts between inmates in correctional institutions with the assistance of a mediator on the basis of the voluntary consent of the parties to reach a mutually acceptable solution.

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