Pervasive Business Intelligence Platform to Support the Decision-Making Process in Waiting Lists

Pervasive Business Intelligence Platform to Support the Decision-Making Process in Waiting Lists

Marisa Esteves, Filipe Miranda, António Abelha
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9023-2.ch041
(Individual Chapters)
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In recent years, the increase of average waiting times in waiting lists is an issue that has been felt in health institutions. Thus, the implementation of new administrative measures to improve the management of these organizations may be required. Hereupon, the aim of this present work is to support the decision-making process in appointments and surgeries waiting lists in a hospital located in the north of Portugal, through a pervasive Business Intelligence platform that can be accessed anywhere and anytime by any device connected within the hospital's private network. By representing information that facilitate the analysis of information and knowledge extraction, the Web tool allows the identification in real-time of average waiting times outside the outlined patterns. Thereby, the developed platform permits their identification, enabling their further understanding in order to take the necessary measures. Thus, the main purpose is to enable the reduction of average waiting times through the analysis of information in order to, subsequently, ensure the satisfaction of patients.
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State Of The Art

This section intends to highlight briefly the main theoretical topics addressed throughout this chapter, namely clinical decision support systems (CDSSs) and Business Intelligence (BI) and clinical information, including the Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) process, and data warehousing.

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