Perspectives of Blockchain in Cybersecurity: Applications and Future Developments

Perspectives of Blockchain in Cybersecurity: Applications and Future Developments

Muath A. Obaidat, Joseph Brown
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7132-6.ch045
(Individual Chapters)
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In recent years, blockchain has emerged as a popular data structure for use in software solutions. However, its meteoric rise has not been without criticism. Blockchain has been the subject of intense discussion in the field of cybersecurity because of its structural characteristics, mainly the permanency and decentralization. However, the blockchain technology in this field has also received intense scrutiny and caused to raise questions, such as, Is the application of blockchain in the field simply a localized trend or a bait for investors, both without a hope for permanent game-changing solutions? and Is blockchain an architecture that will lead to lasting disruptions in cybersecurity? This chapter aims to provide a neutral overview of why blockchain has risen as a popular pivot in cybersecurity, its current applications in this field, and an evaluation of what the future holds for this technology given both its limitations and advantages.
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Characteristics Of Blockchain

The usages of blockchain within cybersecurity and other perpendicular fields such as finance, typically lean on the core architectural traits of blockchain rather than more tangential extrapolations of its functionalities. Possible usages of blockchain within the field which have been promoted both by studies and private firms have included digital identity management, including digital signatures which is a direct derivative of the inherent functionality of the data structure. There are typically five core architectural characteristics of blockchain: decentralized, immutable, anonymous, cryptographically encrypted, and trust-based. Each of these elements has their own extrapolations within the field of cybersecurity (Yeasmin, 2019; Yassein, 2019). Brief explanation is as follows:

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