Personalized Communication: AI-Driven Solutions for Enhanced Collaboration

Personalized Communication: AI-Driven Solutions for Enhanced Collaboration

Saloni Yadav, Jaspreet Kaur
Copyright: © 2025 |Pages: 26
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3775-2.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Efficient doctor-patient cooperation is essential for achieving favorable healthcare results. The study examines the capacity of AI-powered solutions to improve individualized communication between medical professionals and patients. AI can utilize sophisticated natural language processing and machine learning methods to examine patient data, preferences, and medical history in order to customize communication strategies. These tools facilitate enhanced appointment scheduling, individualized treatment programs, and proactive health monitoring. Furthermore, artificial intelligence (AI) enhances patient education and involvement, resulting in enhanced compliance with treatment plans and overall health results. By using artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare communication, healthcare practitioners can enhance the delivery of patient-centered care and cultivate more robust doctor-patient relationships.
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