Perceptions of Faculty of Sport Sciences Students on Distance Education During the COVID-19 Period: Perceptions of University Students on Distance Education

Perceptions of Faculty of Sport Sciences Students on Distance Education During the COVID-19 Period: Perceptions of University Students on Distance Education

Bijen Filiz, Ferman Konukman, Ertan Tüfekçioğlu, Neslihan Arıkan Fidan
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8077-6.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The purpose of this study was to determine the perceptions of the sport sciences students on distance education in terms of the advantages, disadvantages, difficulties, concerns, and suggestions during the COVID-19 period. The mixed method was used in the study. Participants were 312 volunteer university students. A questionnaire and an open-ended question were used. Results indicated that male students considered the advantages of distance education more important. In addition, students studying in the departments of Coaching Education and Physical Education and Sport Teaching considered the disadvantages of distance education more important. Female students considered the difficulties of distance education less important, and students who prefer distance education had more concerns about distance education. In conclusion, students suggested extending the duration of the lesson, strengthening the technology and internet infrastructure, conducting the lessons interactively, teaching the lessons more efficiently by the teachers, and standardizing the lesson practices.
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Technology in the information age has provided many important benefits to educational programs. Technology can be assessed as an effective tool in the distribution of information (Orakcı & Gelişli, 2021; Orakcı, 2020). Technology in the information age has provided many important benefits to educational programs. Although traditional ways of instruction are commonly accepted in teaching and learning environments, many higher education institutions have started to implement distance education and technology as an instructional tool. The introduction of computers into the business world in the mid-1950s made essential changes for future perspectives of the education because the purpose of the first generation of computers had been mainly scientific. Historically, the early 1960s saw the integration of computers into both business and scientific life. However, this was only related to limited applications and functions. Later, microprocessors were used to build microcomputers in the mid-1970s and the first personal computers (PCs) were introduced for individual use in business and in education. As a result, plenty of educational and business software was also developed. In this period, the computer attracted the imagination and attention of educators to see how it could improve learning and thinking. (Bull et al., 1989; Bull, Sigmon & Shidisky, 1991; Harris & Anderson, 1991; McKethan, Everhart & Sanders, 2001; Wagonner, 1992; Wilkinson et al., 1999).

The history of computer-based instruction indicated that this type of technology existed for more than 70 years. The first one was a flight simulator for pilots at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1950 (Lockard, Abrams & Many, 1997). One of the first interventions for educational technology called as PLATO (Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching), was developed in the 1960s at the University of Illinois (Hammond, 1972). This program aimed to teach different educational subjects such as nursing, geometry, and pharmacology. In addition to this, The National Science Foundation provided $10 million grant for PLATO and TICCIT (Time-Shared Interactive Computer-Controlled Information Television System) in 1970. TICCIT was invented at Brigham Young University and MITHE Corporation. The major purpose of this intervention was to develop a quality teaching and learning using computers and television for community colleges courses in mathematics and English (Merril, Schneider & Fletcher, 1980). Consequently, the results of research conducted by the Educational Testing Service indicated that PLATO provided significant academic performance in chemistry, biology, and English, Moreover, TICCIT also improved significant results for community college students in English and Mathematics. Finally, research indicated that both PLATO and TICCIT students had positive attitudes toward computer-based education (Steinberg, 1991).

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, majority of the countries around the world have forced serious restrictions on social life and educational practice to tackle the issue of COVID-19. Such as social isolation and restrictions on travel, sports, leisure activities, work, and school attendance. As a result, schools in all countries were suspended. The teaching and learning process was provided by using distance learning education. The infrastructure and resources of all schools in the countries were mandated to prevent the epidemic, to minimize the learning issues while the epidemic continues, and to ensure the continuity of learning. (Filiz & Konukman, 2020). Therefore, COVID-19 has changed the face of education in many different ways. Before the mandatory change to virtual rather than convenience traditional instruction, researchers argued that online programs were inadequate in terms of quality delivery (Montelongo, 2019; Morris, 2018).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Disadvantage: An unfavourable circumstance or condition that reduces the chances of success or effectiveness.

Concern: Concern means to deal or be involved with or to cause an anxious feeling.

COVID-19: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Advantage: Any state, circumstance, opportunity, or means specially favorable to success, interest, or any desired.

Difficulty: The quality or state of being hard to do, deal with, or understand.

Education: Education is both the act of teaching knowledge to others and the act of receiving knowledge from someone else. Education also refers to the knowledge received through schooling or instruction and to the institution of teaching as a whole.

Suggestion: The process by which one thought leads to another especially through association of ideas

Distance Education: Distance Education is a field of education that focuses on the pedagogy, technology, and instructional. system designs that aim to deliver education to students who are not physically “on site” in a traditional classroom or campus.

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