Perception of Virtual Learning: A Cognitive and Motivational Perspective Among College Students

Perception of Virtual Learning: A Cognitive and Motivational Perspective Among College Students

Sandhya Gupta, Renu Prajapati
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4446-7.ch009
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In the midst of the COVID-19 period, pupils' perceptions of their online/virtual lessons can be characterised in light of teacher-student engagement/interaction. The degree upon which communicative actions increase proximity and decrease bodily and/or mental interspace amidst instructors-pupils is referred to as teacher immediacy. This study investigated the teacher immediacy as a potent predictor of curiosity and study approaches. Standardized tools were used to measure constructs under study. An online survey was conducted on college students studying in non-residential private universities of Rajasthan. Findings revealed that teacher immediacy (relational, personal, and instructional) emerged as a significant predictor of curiosity, critical thinking, mental health, and study approaches.
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Beneficence for digital learning continues to grow in a society wherein connection is increasing, and this is especially crucial in the midst of the COVID 19 epidemic. The availability of the internet aids human activity in a multitude of areas, notably in the sphere of learning and education. Not that all kids, nevertheless, are competent of embracing and conforming to these adjustments. The acceptability of alterations in the learning experience by pupils fluctuates, i.e., how pupils view their web communication during learning (Koohang, Paliszkiewicz, Nord & Ramim, 2014). Moreover, students' perceptions of their online/virtual lessons can be characterised in light of teacher-student engagement/interaction.

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