People Management in an Indian IT Services Company During COVID-19: A Case Analysis

People Management in an Indian IT Services Company During COVID-19: A Case Analysis

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 11
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8488-3.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
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The case revolves around the reactionary measures taken by an Indian IT services company based in Pune in an attempt to stay afloat during the COVID-19 pandemic. The case, in particular, brings to light the effect of the employee-related managerial decisions on their well-being and work involvement amidst the unprecedented health crisis. The pronounced role of leadership, decision making, communication, conflict management, employee perceptions, and HR policies is well brought out in the narrative. Apart from the key takeaways, the readers are provoked to analyze the case and deliberate on novel ways to manage a business within India's unique socio-economic scenario. The in-depth account acquires significance in the light of rapid digital transformation due to the pandemic and its impact on business and management. It paves the way for empirical research on the newer constructs in the areas of organizational behavior and has implications for human resource policies in the VUCA environment.
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“Like Abraham Lincoln, I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.”

– Douglas MacArthur

Shivraj Shekhar, the Chairman of IndoGlobal IT Remedies Pvt. Ltd. sat in his Pune home office. It was the 12th of June, 2020 and he was reflecting on the unprecedented damage caused by the pandemic. The issue on his mind was the reactionary measures taken, so far, by the company in response to Covid-19, their ramifications, and the future course of action. He regretted the short-sightedness of the company leadership in handling the employees during the first wave of the pandemic, the serious mistakes committed in dealing with the emergency and the inability to devise flexible HR policies. Amidst the sensitive scenario, it was crucial to take decisions that could help business stay afloat. His mind was in a brainstorming mode trying to come up with ideas of how to manage the various resources in the company – both tangible and intangible. Instant decisions were the need of the hour. It was time to respond with agility to this volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous situation.

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