The Pedagogical Potential of MMOG: An Exploratory Study Including Four Games and their Players1

The Pedagogical Potential of MMOG: An Exploratory Study Including Four Games and their Players1

Tiago Gomes, Ana A. Carvalho
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60960-569-8.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The results showed that all of the four analyzed games are motivating for the players, they have some pedagogical potential related to problem solving, and they improve communication and interaction skills. But the majority of the players felt some difficulties in accepting that they could transfer those developed skills to their scholar or professional life.
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The Educational Potential Of Games

There are various studies that come to positive results after analyzing the application of specific games in a classroom context. This is especially factual when it comes to the improvement of concentration, the stimulation of task performance, the improvement of visual intelligence, and hand-eye coordination (Beedle & Wright, 2007; Ferdig, 2007; Graells, 2001; Van Eck, 2006).

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