PayCrypto Analtcoin Minting Application as Interest to Cryptocurrencies

PayCrypto Analtcoin Minting Application as Interest to Cryptocurrencies

G. K. Sandhia, R. Vidhya, K. R. Jansi, R. Jeya, M. Gayathri, S. Girirajan, S. Nagadevi, N. Ghuntupalli Manoj Kumar, J. Ramaprabha
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1131-8.ch011
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Blockchain is a distributed ledger. It stores transaction data in the form of a linked list combined with encryption algorithms to enhance the security and integrity of the data in each of the blocks. Any participant of the node can verify the correctness of a transaction and a block is created only after the majority of the participants of the network (51%) agree to the correctness of a transaction. The participants reach a consensus on the transactions broadcast and the sequence in which these transactions occurred. At any point of time, all participants have an order of blocks of transactions they have accepted consensus on, and each participant has a set of unprocessed transactions it has in its pool. A block is then selected by one node on which validity of transactions is checked and then it is added to the blockchain. The main focus is to demonstrate the concept of staking cryptocurrencies on blockchains and how decentralized applications can be developed on the Ethereum network to deploy such applications.
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In the current fiat currency system, the citizens can submit (stake) their currency to regulated banks to earn some interest. The PayCrypto model tries to mimic the fiat system by leveraging the PoS model that helps validate transactions on a blockchain. This decentralized way of earning rewards for staking currency eliminates the fees required to maintain our transactions, overdraft fees etc.., charged by the centralized authorities. The prototype built uses two tokens deployed on a local blockchain to demonstrate the Defimodel. The user can interact with the smart contract using the metamask wallet to stake and un-stake crypto-currencies.

1.1 Blockchain

Blockchain is a distributed ledger. It stores transaction data in the form of a linked list combined with encryption algorithms (currently SHA-256) to enhance the security and integrity of the data in each of the blocks. Each block consists of a set of transactions (A Merkle tree and the root is kept in the block), a pointer to the previous block, and hash of the previous block.

The use of digital signatures implements the message authentication requirement of the security requirements. Only one person can sign but anyone can cross-check and the signature should be associated with a particular file i.e.., signature should not be copy pasted from one document to another.

While the proof-of-work takes care of such concerns, proof-of-stake implements all these security requirements without the strength of the security of a blockchain being dependent on the energy consumption (Mining).

1.2 Incentive Mechanisms

Incentive mechanisms make sure users participate in mining. This is done due to the dependency on the number of miners and the strength of the blockchain. The more people who can verify a transaction, the more honest a specific blockchain is. The incentive mechanisms currently in place are the block rewards and the transaction fees.

The participant that generates each block then includes a transaction in that block and that transaction is a coin generation transaction and the node can choose a recipient address of the transaction. This block reward is for any block proposed honest or otherwise.

Other than the block rewards, transaction fee can be imposed by the transaction initiator as a reward to mining his/her block. Generator of the transaction can select to create the output of the coin with output less than the input value. The difference is a transaction fee called gas fee is given to the block generator. This is purely optional.

1.3 Proof-of-Work

The PoW mechanism helps choose the block creator. To approximate choosing a random participant, choose a participant to a resource that no one can take control over. PoW chose the resource as computational power. PoS chose the resource as the amount of coins owned.

In PoW nodes compete against each other to solve a cryptographic hash puzzle. This hash function involves finding a nonce in a target space. Thus increasing the difficulty of computing the hash puzzle.

1.4 Consensus Mechanism

According to the consensus algorithm new transactions are broadcasted to all participants. Each participant compiles new transactions into a block. In each iteration a random participant gets to circulate the block. Other participant is agreeing to the block only if every transaction is authentic (unspent, valid signatures). Participants communicate their approval of the block by incorporating its hash in the next block they generate.


2. Literature Survey

The following papers were studied and reviewed to help present views.

2.1 Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System

This paper coined the term blockchain in 2008. It introduces the concept of transferring digital currency directly from sender to receiver without the involvement of a third- party thus replacing the current trust-based system (Nakamoto S., 2008).

It talks about the PoW model that will help implement the said trustless system and how bitcoin demonstrates this PoW model.

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