Patient Monitoring and Alert Systems in Modern Healthcare Using Machine Learning

Patient Monitoring and Alert Systems in Modern Healthcare Using Machine Learning

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4143-8.ch012
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The aim of this chapter is to explore the current landscape of patient monitoring and alert systems, highlighting technological advancements and addressing critical challenges faced by healthcare professionals. By understanding these challenges, the chapter aims to propose solutions and recommendations for optimizing patient monitoring practices. Through an analysis of existing literature and observations from clinical practice, this chapter will identify opportunities for improvement in patient monitoring systems. Emphasis will be placed on leveraging innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence and cloud computing to enhance data accuracy, streamline interoperability, and mitigate alarm fatigue among healthcare providers.
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The convoluted universe of patient following resembles a labyrinth where specialists and medical caretakers need to track down their direction through an endless snare of essential signs and peculiar substantial elements. In this baffling perception, little changes in these puzzling measurements permit the perusing of early indications of decline, similar to a mysterious language murmured by the body's weak signs. Rapidly sorting out these baffling signs empowers those in control to act rapidly, similar to an enchanted spell that can stop issues before they occur and set up a hit the dance floor with the great beyond (Atallah et al., 2017).

During the music of medical procedures or the excursion of medications, clinical cycles resemble a dance. Patient checking stands apart as the vaporous security net, a vigilant safeguard of wellbeing. The consistent observing of imperative signs causes an enthusiastic situation where medical care watches notice changes from the typical examples and set up a contrast to potential dangers. The patient's health is constantly under scrutiny and subject to cosmic reaction because of the enigmatic dance moves. In the otherworldly universe of medical care, patient following resembles the thinker's stone; it changes the normal into the ideal. When taken a gander at consistently, the tune of imperative signs and baffling boundaries transforms into a strong medication that shows how well medicines and medications are functioning. The healthcare alchemists set out to make the necessary adjustments with this elixir in hand to ensure that their patients have the best possible healing experience (Bonafide et al., 2013).

Every patient resembles a mind-boggling string in the texture of medical services, with their own arrangement of necessities. The loom that makes it possible to provide personalized care is patient tracking. Medical care experts watch out for fundamental signs and explicit boundaries. This allows them to construct arrangements and treatment designs that are novel to every individual, similar to an artisan dealing with a work of art. An orchestra of care is worked out in the language of fundamental signs, which works on the baffling consequences of medical services endeavors (Chen et al., 2013).

For individuals who have many ongoing sicknesses, similar to diabetes, hypertension, or heart issues that are difficult to analyze, consistent following transforms into an important riddle. The constantly shifting symbols of blood sugar, blood pressure, and heartbeats are displayed during routine checks, similar to reading ancient scrolls. With this data, medical services experts can begin to deal with these circumstances by pursuing shrewd decisions that go about as secretive keys to open entryways that stop issues and allow individuals an opportunity to work on their personal satisfaction. In the sacred corridors of basic consideration, where patients are canvassed in a fog of shortcoming, consistent following shows its most strange face. Finding puzzling changes in fundamental signs or those that don't keep going long turns into the enchanted spell that can save awful circumstances (Churpek et al., 2013a). While early advance notice frameworks are joined with patient following, they transform into prophets that convey secretive alarms that permit speedy activity, halting the slide into surprisingly more terrible circumstances. Patient following is a secretive heater that leaves a colossal measure of mysterious information for study and instruction. At the point when the weird signs from patient global positioning frameworks are assembled and taken a gander at intently; they show designs and inestimable patterns. With these heavenly experiences as their aide; the medical care wise men add to the blessed book of proof based practices and partake in the speculative chemistry dance that raises clinical information to grand levels as in figure 1.

Figure 1.

Patient monitoring data


Classification Of Patient Monitoring Systems

In medical care settings, various types of patient following apparatuses are utilized (Figure-2). The objective of these gadgets is to watch out for various pieces of a patient's body.

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