Partnership of Rural Tourism and Organic Farming to Achieve Goals of Green Economy: Rural Tourism and Organic Farming

Partnership of Rural Tourism and Organic Farming to Achieve Goals of Green Economy: Rural Tourism and Organic Farming

Predrag Vuković, Svetlana Milorad Roljević-Nikolić
Copyright: © 2018 |Pages: 23
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2965-1.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Practice has shown that the best results in solving problems that burden rural areas give mechanisms which coordinate development of agriculture with other economic activities on the principles of sustainable development. Partnership in the development of rural tourism and organic agriculture represent a logical sequence of things. People today are aware of the complex problem of burdening the global food chain and natural resources with the remains of persistent pesticides, nitrates, and the worsening of organoleptic properties and nutrient-like food. The concept of organic farming insists on the natural balance of interests. For this reason, tourists who come to the rural areas expect that they will be able to consume organically produced healthy food. The chapter analyzes the concept of rural tourism and organic farming, their dynamic development in the world and in Serbia. It points out the importance of its connectivity to eliminate existing negative trends which burden life in rural areas and possibilities to implement the goals of the green economy.
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Concept Of Rural Tourism

Rural areas today are burdened with numerous problems (aging population, migration to urban city centers, unemployment, reduction in macroeconomic indicators, etc.). These kinds of problems are present in most countries. The tendency is to stop these negative trends and initiate in the opposite direction. A synergetic character of tourism allows connection of a large number of economic and non-economic activities and with its positive multiplicative effects gives possibility to achieve economic development of rural areas.

Until this moment, many authors and international organizations who research development of rural tourism have tried to give uniform and universally accepted definition of rural tourism, but reason that this definition doesn`t exist until now, unfortunately lies in complexity of the issue. Namely, rural tourism touches two important branches of national economy – agriculture and tourism. Second important issue is that rural areas have different definition in many countries. Table 1 shows some criteria for rural settlements that use different countries.

Table 1.
Selected national criteria for “rural” settlements
AustraliaPopulation clusters of fewer than 1 000 people, excluding certain areas, e.g. holiday resorts
AustriaTowns of fewer than 5 000 people
CanadaPlaces of fewer than 1 000 people, with a population density of fewer than 400 per square kilometer.
Denmark and NorwayAgglomerations of fewer than 200 inhabitants
England and WalesNo definition - but the Rural Development Commission excludes towns with more than 10 000 inhabitants.
FranceTowns containing an agglomeration of fewer than 2 000 people living in contiguous houses, or with not more than 200 metres between the houses.
Portugal and SwitzerlandTowns of fewer than 10 000 people.

Source: OECD (1994): Tourism Strategies and Rural Development, General Distribution, OECD/GD (94) 49, p.9-10. Web site: (accessed on 06/29/2017).

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