Overview Regarding Synthetic Gas Production by Biomass Gasification

Overview Regarding Synthetic Gas Production by Biomass Gasification

Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 35
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4945-2.ch004
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The renewable energy for the production of syngas (synthetic gas) by gasification of biomass has specific features and objectives. The present chapter aims to describe the specific features of renewable energy for the production of syngas by gasification of biomass. The specific objective refers to the study of the equipment for the production of synthetic gaseous fuels (syngas) by gasification of biomass. The “biomass” term can be defined generically as the biodegradable part of agricultural products, residues and waste, gathering both animal and plant substances, wood industry, and also the biodegradable component of urban and industrial waste. Biomass sources are the most found renewable resources on Earth, also including all the organic components resulted from the organism's metabolic process, being the first resource of energy man has used, since the discovery of fire.
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The renewable energy for the production of syngas (synthetic gas) by gasification of biomass has specific features and objective.

The present chapter aims to describe the specific features of renewable energy for the production of syngas (synthetic gas) by gasification of biomass. The specific objective refers to the study of the equipment used in the production of syngas (synthetic gaseous fuels) by gasification of biomass.

The “Biomass” term can be defined generically as the biodegradable part of agricultural products, residues and waste, gathering both animal and plant substances, wood industry and also the biodegradable component of urban and industrial waste. (Definition contained in Decision no. 1844 of 2005 on Promoting the use of biofuels and other renewable fuels). Biomass sources are the most found renewable resources on Earth, also including all the organic components resulted from the organsims metabolic proces, being the first resource of energy man has ever used, since the discovery of fire. (Nunes, L. J. R., Causer, T. P., & Ciolkosz, D., 2020; Kargbo, H., Harris, J. S., & Phan, A. N., 2021; Pinales-Márquez, C. D., et.al., 2021)

Biomass gasification can be defined generically as a thermochemical conversion of organic matter into a gas product (syngas), by using the process of partial oxidation. For this conversion to occur, special conditions are required such as high temperature and low air circulation, in order to prevent the complete biomass burning, but enough for the conversion. (Chambon, C. L., et.al., 2020)

By definition, SYNGAS is the final product of the process of gasification of organic solid matter as a result of its thermal decomposition. (AlNouss, A., McKay, G., & Al-Ansari, T., 2020).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Biomass Pyrolysis: Represents the biomass conversion technology through the process of thermal degradation of waste in the absence of air to produce pyrolysis fuel (bio-oil), charcoal (char) and syngas (for example, conversion of wood to charcoal).

Biomass Gasification: A thermochemical conversion of organic matter into a gas product (syngas), by using the process of partial oxidation. for this conversion to occur, special conditions are required such as high temperature and low air circulation, in order to prevent the complete biomass burning, but enough for the conversion.

Biomass: Term can be defined generically as the biodegradable part of agricultural products, residues and waste, gathering both animal and plant substances, wood industry and also the biodegradable component of urban and industrial waste.

Syngas: Final product of the process of gasification of organic solid matter as a result of its thermal decomposition.

Biomass Energy: Biomass accumulated in chemical form in matter of animal or plant origin represents some of the most spread resources on the planet.

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