Orientism Management (OM): A New Framework to Manage Decisions and Hyper Dynamic Knowledge Process in a Multi-User Network

Orientism Management (OM): A New Framework to Manage Decisions and Hyper Dynamic Knowledge Process in a Multi-User Network

Luisa dall'Acqua
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9607-5.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
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The model of learning/training in the 21st century requires the evaluation of new and better ways to measure what matters, diagnosing strengths and weaknesses, to improve people performance, and to involve multiple stakeholders in the process of designing, conducting and use of knowledge. The thesis is that the orientation, today, is no longer limited only to outline the direction of a professional career, but it concerns “Life designing” over which “Work designing”. This chapter intends to describe a new interpretative paradigm, Orientism, to understand and manage fluid nature of knowledge, but at the same time to seize and manage the unpredictability and risks of the dynamics of knowledge management in relationships complex environment, in a society. Element of news are 5 key factors and criteria to direct and motivate people in choosing process, and following 10 different and key relationships between them. They define areas of management to improve own personal leadership and success. The concept becomes the conceptual base of an Instructional Design Model (PENTHA 2.0).
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The starting point of this research is the statement that, even if the current technological advancement provided or optimized solutions in several sectors of application, it has multiplied the difficulty of understanding the world in which common people, managers, entrepreneurs and researchers operate, making the same 'problems management' more complex, and requiring a mind of decision maker to learn and manage the 'complexity'.

A long tradition of studies analyzed the risk components (i.e. logical-probabilistic, cognitive, regulatory, socio-systemic and socio-cultural), inherent in a decision making process. The multiple variables, able to cause an unstable condition of unpredictability in a decision-making process, found a catalytic function of management in the information factor, or factor 'k', in the regulatory role of external agents (social environment) and the cooperation between action makers.

One change factor is to consider two sequences in the actual knowledge dynamics: on a hand the passage from a received multimediality (such as television and cinema), to an interactive multimediality (such as videogames or virtual reality) to a built multimediality (such as socialnetworking knowledge management tool), to a reflective multimediality (dynamic intelligent and semantic UI). On the other hand, the passage from individual knowledge to global knowledge, multi-user connections, but without losing the subjective component to be managed.

Orientism (see Figure 1) proposes a new scenario of activities, to improve the people’s ability of contextual changes in natural-, social-, artificial multi-user environments, with multiple reference points and multi-interpreting paradigms. Furthermore, it proposes a new solution to the demand for “innovative, creative and leadership” education to make choices, to manage own life, relationships and complex environments.

Figure 1.

First typology of change factor in Orientism perspective


The model is based on intertwined 10 Knowledge Managements typologies, each based on areas of development and improvement of own personal leadership.

In a corporate politics perspective, Orientism Management becomes OMS (Orientism Management Strategy), OMP (Orientism Processes Organization), and OMT (Orientism Management Tools).

Final outcome of this research is the component defining of an e-environment, with new concepts of advanced technological social interactions, enabling an effective capture of the tacit knowledge of employees (e.g., experience, intuition, creativity) that is missed with traditional knowledge management systems,

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