Organizing and Administering School-Based Agricultural Education Systems and the FFA

Organizing and Administering School-Based Agricultural Education Systems and the FFA

Jay K. Solomonson, Richie Roberts
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3420-8.ch002
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter investigates how school-based agricultural education systems and FFA programs have been structured, organized, and administered in the United States. Specifically, the roles and responsibilities of federal, state, and local education authorities are described and how school-based agricultural education (SBAE) and FFA programs operate within those sectors. The chapter also chronicles how supervision models have evolved and changed after the passage of the Smith-Hughes Act of 1917. Agricultural education stakeholder groups driving policy at the state level were also explored. Finally, an emphasis is placed on the diversity of each state and local entity's structure and organization throughout the chapter.
Chapter Preview

Roles And Responsibilities Of Educational Agencies

Before learning how agricultural education and FFA have fit into the general education system, it is critical to understand how the U.S. educational system is organized and how its agencies at various levels have operated over time. The authority over the public school system in the U.S. is somewhat convoluted since it can incorporate several governmental entities at each of the federal, state, and local levels. With each of these governing bodies possessing some function in the public education system, it may sometimes seem confusing as to their roles and responsibilities. In this section, the current system of school governance in the U.S. was described, especially regarding to the specific roles and responsibilities of each educational entity at the federal, state, and local levels.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Public School: A school supported by public funding, usually tax dollars.

School Board: The governing body of elected or appointed individuals responsible for oversight of a local school district.

Local Education Agency (LEA): A public board of education or other public authority within a state that maintains administrative control or performs a service function for public schools.

Inspection: The power of state agricultural education staff to evaluate SBAE programs and teachers regarding the degree to which they met established criteria and, in some cases, issue disciplinary action if standards were not met.

United States Department of Education (ED): Agency of the U.S. federal government responsible for establishing federal educational policy and coordinating federal funding for education.

State FFA Association: A state's basic organizational unit consisting of local FFA chapters.

Career and Technical Education (CTE): Schools, programs, or educational institutions that focus on skills and knowledge for specific careers.

Superintendent: An administrator in charge of a school district.

Principal: An administrator in charge of managing the overall operations of an elementary, middle, or high school building.

Supervision: Providing support to teachers to ensure their professional growth and success.

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