Organizational Intervention Plan for Automation SMEs: Case Study Gisitca

Organizational Intervention Plan for Automation SMEs: Case Study Gisitca

José G. Vargas-Hernández, Ángel Daniel Rodríguez Ortega
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3191-3.ch005
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This study has the aim of identify the main causes of a bad work environment with a high rate of turnover. The objective is to propose an intervention plan to increase the participation, commitment and employees' proactivity. This job is performed with a case study with the quantitative paradigm, transversal and exploratory; the selected sample is from a PYME dedicated to automation power services. For it is based on the model of situational leadership Hersey and Blanchard, in addition to job satisfaction survey NTP 213.
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In recent years, several associations and public institutions in Mexico have been concerned about supporting the creation of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) which are the main source of employment in the country with 72%. It has been worrying the failure rate of these companies in their early years and alarming their life expectancy, as indicated by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI, 2015) who mentions that 6 (0.64) in 10 service companies survive the first year and has a life expectancy at birth of 8 years. The probability decreases as they are older enterprises and life expectancy tends to increase with increasing in size. Such companies have a mature age of 20 years and a range of employees from 31 to 100; only remain alive 65 of 100.

CONDUSEF (2013) states that the most common mistakes made by SMEs and that can be very costly to them is the lack of a strategic analysis. Mismanagement and the dreaded incompetence of the administrator, who usually is the owner, and who fails to take over the business because often undertakes the business and makes decisions according to his gut feeling, also is not prepared to have his staff. That is, no lead in his own company.

This study aims to propose a plan of action to increase participation, commitment and proactivity of employees of family SMEs Business Process Automation (BPA) service provider, GISITCA case study.

This research consists of six sections. The first describes the background and origin of the problem. The second is delimited and defined the problem. In the third the realization of this project is justified. In the fourth, the methodology used to support research is established. In the fifth diagnostic results are analyzed and the intervention plan is designed. And finally, in the sixth section, the conclusions and recommendations arise.

Finally, I want to thank the support and facilities provided by the company GISITCA and to one of the authors for his valuable recommendations for the completion of this project.


Background Of The Problem

Family businesses are the most common organization type in the world. In fact, most large companies were born as a family business (Lee, 2004). In Mexico micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of the country's economy since they are the main source of job creation, that is according to data provided by the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEGI): of the 4 million 15 thousand companies, 99.8% are SMEs which corresponds to 52% of GDP and 72% of jobs in the country (PROMEXICO, n. d.) Belausteguigoitia (2003) mentions that in Latin America 9 out of 10 companies are family, which dominate most industries and are led by their founders (e.g. Grupo Carso, FEMSA, Televisa, etc.).

A determining factor in the growth of SMEs is the role of leader, who must direct the course of the company and to overcome the difficulties that may arise. Usually, the founder of the company owner is his leader exerting a paternalistic leadership style. He decides everything about the business and is responsible for the success or defeat of this. He must overcome luck in a sea of uncertainty of a globalized market, where technology has changed the way production and marketing of products. Given this scenario companies and especially SMEs require leadership that is an agent of change (Belausteguigoitia, 2003).

SME Integrator Group of Integrator Solutions and Technological innovations Control systems, enhancement and BPA (GISITCA) is a Mexican company founded in 1999. It specializes in the design, development and manufacture of control systems and power while systems integration PLC - based BPA is oriented primarily to serve the electricity sector of the domestic industry. Currently its workforce is made up of 45 people.

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