Optimizing Critical Care: Sensor-Enabled Mechanical Ventilation in Healthcare

Optimizing Critical Care: Sensor-Enabled Mechanical Ventilation in Healthcare

Vikash Kumar, Sima Das, Suvechha Hota
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2762-3.ch012
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The utilization of sensor-enabled mechanical ventilation has become integral in optimizing critical care within the healthcare sector. Sensors embedded within ventilators monitor vital parameters such as respiratory rate, tidal volume, and oxygen levels, providing real-time data for precise adjustments and interventions. This sensor-driven approach enhances patient care by minimizing complications and improving overall clinical outcomes. Healthcare professionals benefit from actionable insights derived from continuous monitoring, allowing for timely interventions and personalized treatment plans. The integration of sensors in mechanical ventilation represents a significant advancement in critical care management, ensuring patient comfort, safety, and treatment efficacy. This chapter highlights the pivotal role of sensor technology in revolutionizing healthcare practices, particularly in critical care settings where accurate monitoring and intervention are paramount.
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1. Introduction

Mechanical ventilation is essential in critical care settings for maintaining oxygenation, providing sufficient gas exchange, and supporting patients experiencing respiratory distress. But conventional ventilation techniques frequently fail to provide the accuracy and flexibility required to deal with the changing respiratory conditions of patients. Healthcare systems are progressively incorporating real-time data collection and analysis to optimise mechanical ventilation strategies as a result of the development of sensor technology. The revolutionary potential of sensor-enabled mechanical ventilation in critical care is addressed in this chapter, with specific focus paid to how it can improve clinical decision-making, optimise resource utilisation, and improve patient outcomes.

1.1 Evolution of Mechanical Ventilation in Critical Care

1.1.1 Historical Overview of Mechanical Ventilation Techniques

Since its inception, mechanical ventilation has witnessed substantial evolution. In the beginning, Drinker and Shaw's invention of the iron lung in the 1920s marked a significant advancement in respiratory support, especially for polio patients. The development of ventilation with positive pressure in the 1950s marked a significant advancement in the delivery of compressed air in order to expand the lungs. Pressure-controlled ventilation (PCV) was developed in the 1980s to lower the risk of barotrauma, while volume-controlled ventilation (VCV) first appeared in the 1970s to provide exact control over tidal volume delivery. Introduced in the 1990s, high-frequency ventilation uses small-volume, fast breathing in order to minimise lung damage. Two of the more recent developments are extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) and neurologically adjusted ventilatory assist (NAVA), which offer better patient-ventilator synchrony and short-term cardiopulmonary support, respectively (Robba et al., 2020).

1.1.2 Challenges and Limitations Associated With Conventional Ventilation Strategies

Despite essential in critical care, traditional ventilation strategies have limitations and boundaries. The main concern is the possibility of ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI), which can result in barotrauma and volutrauma as a result of high tidal volumes or pressures. Additionally, inadequate attention to patient-ventilator asynchrony by conventional ventilation may lead to discomfort, increased effort to breathe, and even patient-ventilator dis-synchrony. Additionally, it can be difficult to maintain optimal ventilation and oxygenation in patients suffering from acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), since standard therapy techniques might not be able to completely eliminate the underlying lung pathology. These challenges emphasise the need for more advanced ventilation techniques that can prevent the risk of complications related to mechanical ventilation while tailoring to the specific needs of each patient (Bellani et al., 2016) .

1.1.3 The Emergence of Personalized Ventilation Approaches to Address Individual Patient Needs

Customised ventilation techniques, which aim to meet the various needs of individual patients, are a significant advancement in the field of critical care. Personalised ventilation takes into consideration patient-specific factors like respiratory patterns, lung mechanics, and disease severity to customise ventilation settings, in contrast to traditional one-size-fits-all strategies. This method reduces the risk of complications while optimising ventilation efficacy, taking into account the wide range of respiratory conditions among patients. Clinicians may encourage lung protective ventilation strategies and improve patient comfort by modifying ventilation parameters in response to rapid fluctuations in patient physiology through the use of real-time data analysis and advanced monitoring techniques. According to Ashton-Cleary et al., (Ashton-Cleary & English, 2016) 3 personalised ventilation is an important development in critical care management that has the potential for better outcomes and lower complications related to ventilator usage.

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