Opinions of Social Work Students on Technology Use and Ethics in Social Work Practices

Opinions of Social Work Students on Technology Use and Ethics in Social Work Practices

Irfan Dogan, Elif Gokcearslan Cifci
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9187-1.ch002
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The use of technology in social work practices has increased due to the global pandemic of COVID-19. This situation has also revealed new ethical issues and opinions in the field of social work practices. This research aims to explore ethical issues and the increase of technology in social work practices from the perspectives of social work students. Social work students at the undergraduate level in Turkey constitute the sample of the research. The research data were collected through an online questionnaire consisting of students' socio-demographic information and their opinions on technology use and ethics in social work practices. It was tried to reach social work students through the student groups in social media by the typical case sampling technique. Statistical tests including descriptive and comparative statistics were applied in analyzing the data. There was a significant relationship among opinions of the participants on the use of technology in social work practices and ethics by gender, number of practice terms, and taking courses about ethics in social work.
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Research Methodology

The aims, limitations, design, population and sample of the research, data collection tools and data analysis parts are included in this section.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Information Technologies: Information technologies are the use of technologies to store, receive, transmit, operate, and process data or information.

Ethical Principles and Responsibilities of Social Work: It is the basic principles that social workers act in their professional attitudes, decisions, and actions for the development of humanity.

Human Services: Human services is an interdisciplinary field of study with the aim of meeting human needs, focusing on preventing and resolving problems through an applied knowledge base, and maintaining a commitment to improving the overall quality of life of populations.

Social Work Practice: Social work practice is the use of the theoretical knowledge of social work in solving individual and social problems in different social work fields.

Social Work Ethics: Social work ethics is a component of values and standards that inform the social workers in their professional practice and guide their actions.

Social Work Students: Social work student defines the wise and competent undergraduate student who takes the knowledge, skill, and value basis of social work from a generalist social work perspective.

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