Open and Distance Learning Administration: The Organizational Models, Cultures, and Structure and the Barriers and Trends in ODL Administration

Open and Distance Learning Administration: The Organizational Models, Cultures, and Structure and the Barriers and Trends in ODL Administration

Copyright: © 2018 |Pages: 33
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2645-2.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter aims at providing a perspective regarding the concept of open and distance learning administration. In this respect, the introduction part of this chapter includes the definition of administration, the understanding of administration in distance education, comparison of the concepts of administrator and leader, and the changing roles of the administrator, while the first heading focuses on types of institutions, organization model and administration cultures. The second heading covers Open and Distance Learning (ODL) administration units and the structure of the organization. This heading also includes those found in administration units in distance education, their duties as well as the sub-units of academic management and the duties of the these sub-units. The third heading presents the management functions in ODL institutions. At the end of this part, the current barriers and trends related to management in open and distance education were investigated.
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While there are different definitions of management provided in related literature, they also share some common features. According to Genç (2007), the following common features come into prominence when the definitions of management are examined:

  • Goal: For the maintenance of an organization, it should have certain goals.

  • Labor Division: After determining the goals of the organization, among the employees, those who will achieve these goals should be selected. The current things to do are distributed to the employees in accordance with their fields of specialization.

  • Creativity: Motivated employees’ creativity will be revealed, and productivity will increase.

  • Hierarchy: There are superior-subordinate relationships in managements.

  • Being Democratic: While carrying out management goals, it is important for employees to take part in the processes of decision making, application and auditing.

  • Group Characteristics: Group activities constitute the basis of management activities.

  • Communication: Good-quality communication helps solve the problems between employees more easily in an organization and create a more productive working environment.


Manager Vs. Leader

It is seen that the concepts of manager and leader are used interchangeably. These two concepts could be regarded as similar concepts in terms of their characteristics and the jobs they do. However, it is a well-known fact that there are distinctive differences between these two concepts. The manager can be defined as the person who has the power of management to achieve the goals of his or her corporate. According to Eren (2011), the manager is a person who does things with the help of others and reaches success. In order to achieve the goals determined by their corporates, managers try to increase their employees’ attachment to the corporate and help them love their jobs. While doing so, managers should be able to motivate their employees, establish trouble-free communication, know their employees well, recognize their employees’ skills and capabilities and direct them towards related jobs (Paşaoğlu, 2013).

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