Online Teaching Needs Ongoing Student Engagement

Online Teaching Needs Ongoing Student Engagement

Suzanne Gellens, Lois Wachtel
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7653-3.ch003
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The online educator uses many techniques to engage and motivate students to create a classroom community. The virtual teacher creates positive experiences and interactions that propel the student forward educationally and socially. The professor builds a relationship using interpersonal interactions with email, video, or the school website. Personal outreach inspires the student to want to participate. The teacher is an ally, helping the student be successful. Effective feedback, whether in discussion board, seminar, or assignments, must be specific, culturally sensitive, and respectful, using a variety of techniques to bring students out of isolation to build the classroom community. Student engagement should be continuous and motivating. The teacher encourages and assists, working on student success and persistence. The instructor creates a community of learners, who participate in a social interchange, that helps them solidify the information and reach curriculum and classroom goals.
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Creating A Teaching Presence

While there are similarities in the online and ground classroom in student-teacher interaction, there are many techniques that an online educator must employ to engage and motivate students, create a classroom community, and add instructor and student presence (Watwood, et al., 2015). The virtual teacher tries to create positive experiences and interactions that propel the student forward educationally and socially.

The online educator should establish a teaching presence immediately, to help the student feel a connection by communicating as the class begins, welcoming and personalizing the outreach. In most instances, the initial welcome and first live class or seminar will set the tone for the entire classroom learning environment (Wong & Wong, 2018).

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