One Island, Two Nations

One Island, Two Nations

Senem Ergan
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7533-8.ch004
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The aim of this chapter is to explain the effect of nation branding on destination marketing. The study is looking for an answer to this question, What if two nations live in a destination, how should the destination marketing be with the effect of nation branding? For this purpose, in the study, Gökçeada (Imbros) where Turkish and Greek people have lived together for many years, an island, will be an example to the whole world is included. In the literature research about nation branding, there is no study on the marketing of destinations where two or more nations live together. Therefore, this study will be the first study in this field in the world. It is also believed that this study will help other destinations similar to Gökçeada (Imbros) to determine their marketing strategies.
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According to the American Marketing Association (AMA); “A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s goods or service as distinct from those of other sellers” ( As it can be understood from the definition brand is term which identifies and differentiates itself from competitors with the features it has (Rojas-Méndez, 2013).

The first stage in the brand building process is to find out what consumers know about the brand and what it represents. If the current situation and the position of the brand is unknown, it will not be known that how it will be brought to the position it should be. The brand should be considered as an investment for the future. Because while a brand is being created, a long-time value is created in people's mind (Karabulut, 2018).

Cities, destinations, nations and countries can become brands just like goods, services and corporations. Branding is a holistic progress that affects a whole place (Rainisto, 2003). Based on their unique identities, many countries have branded consciously and systematically for centuries (Giannopoulos et al., 2011).

During branding process companies and countries show parallelism with each other. While companies have logos, jargons, culture and employees, countries have flag, languages, culture and citizens. But the concept of nation brand is much more controversial and complex than the conceprt of corporation brand. Controversy originates from the conflicting perspectives and ideas due to the strong influence of countires' public and international relation policies. Complexity originates from multiple levels, dimesions and disciplines which contribute to nation branding that goes beyond traditional products and corporate branding. Complexity is distinct. Because countries have population, history, foreign customers, visitors and investors as well as their physical characteristics (Rojas-Méndez, 2013).

Countires should attach importance to nation branding in order to become prominent at international level. Unless a country represents something special and different, that country has little chance of competing with other countries successfully (Giannopoulos et al., 2011).

Branding is also important in terms of destination marketing. Morgan and Pitchard (2000), stated that campaigning for tourists in tourism market would be based on hearts and minds instead of excessive prices and branding would be the key to the success. Just as customers show more interest and trust in branded products, interest in branded nations is more intense than in non-branded nations. The success of the countries that manage a correct branding process, increases significantly in destination marketing.

This section, in which the relationship between nation branding and destination marketing is described is designed as below. First, the concepts of nation brand and nation branding are explained. Then destination marketing is mentioned. Finally, a case study about the subject is included. The subject of the case study is Gökçeada (Imbros) which is a binational island.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Destination Positioning: Destination Positioning is being imprinted on the customers' mind.

Binational: With two nations.

Nation Brand Hexagon: A hexagon consisting of six dimensions (tourism, exports, governance, investment and immigration, culture and heritage, people) that measures the strength and quality of a country's brand image.

Destination Marketing: Destination marketing is the marketing activities carried out to promote the destination in national and international areas, to create a positive image in the target audience, to brand the destination and to gain an advantage over its competitors.

Destination Image: The sum of the ideas, thoughts, and feelings that tourists associate with the destination.

Destination: Place of arrival that has opportunity of accessibility, includes natural and cultural attractions and touristical products.

Destination Brand: It is the name, symbol, design, or combination of these that defines the destination and differentiates it from competing destinations.

Nation Brand: All perceptions about a nation formed in the minds of international stakeholders.

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