On the Current State of Privacy Risks in Software Requirement Elicitation Techniques

On the Current State of Privacy Risks in Software Requirement Elicitation Techniques

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 26
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6914-9.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
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Requirement engineering has gained tremendous popularity among the research and developers communities and comprises five activities, i.e., feasibility study, elicitation, analysis, specification, and validation. In the elicitation phase, the data is collected from different stakeholders. Hence, the overall system, process, and even data may be compromised and sometimes lead to privacy threats if the data is shared with a third party. To this end, this work proposes a comparative analysis of the eminent techniques, including privacy violation factors. The authors targeted 32 techniques for analysis from different project scenarios. This study may help the analysts with adequate knowledge and help project management teams to select the best and most secure elicitation techniques concerning the nature of projects.
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Review Of Literature

Requirement elicitation is collecting user requirements and presenting them to system experts. The quality of requirements is dependent on the elicitation method and strategies employed. To select the appropriate technique for demand elicitation, the analyst must understand the diverse backgrounds of the various stakeholders (Pandey & Batra, 2013). Several different elicitation approaches are discussed below for this purpose. Figure 1 depicts the required elicitation strategies as a word cloud.

Figure 1.

Word-cloud of requirements elicitation


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