On Internet of Things and Big Data in University Courses

On Internet of Things and Big Data in University Courses

Dmitry Namiot, Manfred Sneps-Sneppe
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7030-1.ch062
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In this paper, the authors discuss Internet of Things educational programs for universities. The authors' final goal is to provide a structure for a new educational course for Internet of Things and related areas such as Machine to Machine communications and Smart Cities. The Internet of Things skills are in high demands nowadays and, of course, Internet of Things models, as well as appropriate Big Data proceedings elements should have a place in the university courses. The purpose of the proposed educational course is to cover information and communication technologies used in Internet of Things systems and related areas, such as Smart Cities. The educational course proposed in this paper aims to introduce students to modern information and communication technologies and create the formation of competencies needed for such areas as Machine to Machine communications, Internet of Things, and Smart Cities. Also, the authors discuss Big Data issues for IoT course and explain the importance of data engineering.
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2. What To Learn In Iot Courses

In this section, we would like to discuss the common content for IoT educational programs. According to (Holdowsky, Mahto, Raynor, & Cotteleer, 2015; Rose, 2014), IoT directions could be grouped into five topics:

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