On Creativity of Asian and American Asian Students

On Creativity of Asian and American Asian Students

Joohyun Pyune
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8142-2.ch016
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter examines ways to encourage Asian and American Asian students to learn how to use their creativity and develop their independent cognitive thinking skills. It is greatly beneficial for the Asian American students to embrace and understand both cultures. Exercises are described that are designed to help students improve their creative thinking skills and combine ideas from both their cultures naturally. Further discussion is proposed that would analyze the presumed students' thought processes and define future assessment of the efficiency of particular exercises by testing students' solutions and abilities.
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Thinking Skills and Creativity

It is not surprising that now more than ever, there are a great number of successful Asian art students. They have been trained well in their craft because of the intensive, long hours of disciplined art education, which include detailed directions and specific techniques in terms of drawing and painting. However, individual creativity is not stressed or even encouraged because of their high expectation within a short period of time. A lesser skilled student may have more potential to be creative and produce higher level of artwork with their own voice. It does not mean that the instructor in Asia does not value creativity. It is more about a’cultural character,’ which is based on, among other things, quick and impressive results (Holliday, 2013). Without creative solutions of the artists the institute would not survive from the brutal competition.

The creative activity of students and their artwork is directed and planned, not by students but by directions from their teachers. Therefore, the final work of art looks great, but the student voice is missing in many cases. This type of education relies on memorization and following the direction rather then understanding of the subject or creative art resulting from their own thoughts (Gardner, 1994; 1997). In this way, the student’s thinking skills are minimized and ability of visualization cannot be developed (Boden, 2009, 2010). Therefore, less formalized instruction may help students to use their creative part, which they do not have much opportunity to use and develop (Csikszentmihalyi, 1997; 1998).

In a mind boggling world, knowledge visualization and visual thinking are gaining in significance in every aspect of science, business, and society. Simple and advanced visual methodologies are aimed at the backing of the creation, application, and correspondence of knowledge and bits of knowledge, especially in circumstances where individuals from distinctive instructive, social, and expert foundations team up (Boden et.al, 2009). Whilst Information Visualization (IV) concentrates on the utilization of machine based devices to investigate substantial information sets, Knowledge Visualization (KV) and Visual Thinking examine (a) how to make and exchange experiences in the groups of people and inside gatherings, (b) how to oversee and decrease unpredictability and to permit comprehension, and (c) how to help learning, correspondence, and cooperation through new methodologies and procedures. Knowledge visualization encourages the common exchange of certainties, experiences, encounters, values, desires, points of view, conclusions, and expectations. Specialists and professionals in the areas of knowledge visualization and visual thinking create methodologies, instruments, and strategies to make knowledge noticeable and to enhance forms through which knowledge might be distinguished, gotten to, evaluated, imparted, talked about, and connected to easily manageable tasks (Florida, 2014).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Creativity: Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems. In order to be creative people need to be able to view in a different and a new form.

Visualization Skills: Visualization skills mean recalling or form mental images or pictures to make themperceptible to the mind or imagination. This skill is very important for creativity.

Thinking Skills: Mental processes that we apply when we seek to make sense of experience. Thinking skills enable us to integrate each new experience into the schema that we are constructing of “ how things are.” These skills are required to transcend what they see to what we understand and show to others.

Personal Voice in Art: It is considered the strong opinion, intention, and individualism. Uniqueness is coming from the strong personal voice, which can be also translated as individualism.

Cross Cultural: Dealing with two different cultures and comparing the two.

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