Oil and Gas Industry Challenges for the Next Decade: Strategies to Face Them From the Education of Future Petroleum Engineers

Oil and Gas Industry Challenges for the Next Decade: Strategies to Face Them From the Education of Future Petroleum Engineers

Rosario Cruz
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1487-6.ch014
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Hydrocarbons are one of the most important sources of energy globally. The processing, use, and commercialization of these resources are the basis of the world economy, even in an era of energy transition like the one experienced today, in which alternative energies are developing rapidly. Activities carried out in the hydrocarbon industry contribute a large amount of energy-related CO2 emissions, in addition to other environmental risks such as hydrocarbon spills, soil and groundwater contamination, and fires. As a result, the importance of the industry has been overshadowed, even though because of these same activities, engineering and scientific advances have been achieved to optimize the production of hydrocarbons to satisfy global demand. Consequently, it is expected that the oil and gas industry will face challenges in the environmental, operational, and social context during the next decade.
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The International Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE International) held the “SPE Workshop: Oil and Gas Technology for a Net-Zero World – Defining Our Grand Challenges for the Next Decade” workshop in January 2023, an event in which Panelists from international oil operating and service companies met, as well as financial and environmental stakeholders related to energy development. In this workshop, the technical development and research challenges for the global energy industry over the next decade were defined. Additionally, social or non-technical challenges related to industry education and advocacy are identified. The mentioned challenges will be briefly described below.

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