Observation-Based Trust Management for Services in Mobile Networks

Observation-Based Trust Management for Services in Mobile Networks

André Paul, Carsten Jacob, Heiko Pfeffer, Stephan Steglich
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61520-682-7.ch013
(Individual Chapters)
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The growing availability of well-equipped handheld devices and the increasing mobility of users influence the way today’s services can be used. In the future, services provided by different devices can be used on an ad-hoc basis to fulfill user-specified tasks. This chapter proposes an infrastructure for mobile networks that allows for the rating of nodes with respect to their provided functionalities. Thus, it is possible to create reputation relationships and trust assessments between service requesters and service providers. One means for making use of trust relationships is in the reduction and the prevention of interactions with misbehaving or inaccurate nodes. The authors’ work also factors in the subjectivity of users by allowing different service quality perceptions for each user. Thus, each user can base his or her cooperation behavior on their own service behavior preferences instead on the aggregated preferences of all users.
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Since trust is a broad research topic with a variety of specializations (Artz & Gil, 2007), the understanding of reputation, trust, and recommendation as used in this work needs definition. Reputation-based trust refers to the so-called “soft” way of determining trust by measuring reputations and sharing them in distributed environments. Reputations are assessments about someone’s past behavior. The reputation notion used in this work is modified from that given by Mui, Mohatashemi, & Halberstadt in 2002:

Reputation is a perception that an entity has about another’s intentions and norms.

This definition places no restrictions on how reputation is originated. Rating of information or service providers is one possibility used in this work. The association between reputation and trust can be formulated as follows; adjusted from (Maresch, 2005):

An entity A trusts an entity B based on the reputation RAB, where RAB is A’s reputation perception about B, if A believes from RAB that B acts correspondent to A’s expectations.

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