Novel Technologies for Solid Waste Management in Tourist Cities

Novel Technologies for Solid Waste Management in Tourist Cities

Copyright: © 2025 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-7605-8.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The main causes of developing nations' deficient waste management, such as Tourist Cities, include incorrect waste management techniques, a lack of necessary infrastructure, an underestimate of the true rates of trash output, and a lack of managerial and technical expertise. The research as a whole comes to the conclusion that good solid waste management will promote the sustainable growth of tourist cities' economies and industries. Energy conversion, waste pyrolysis, and carbon emission estimation are all improved when artificial intelligence and chemical analysis are paired. We also describe how artificial intelligence can be used in waste management systems for smart cities to improve efficiency and lower costs. It is regarded as one of the major employers in the service industry, contributing 12.6% of the nation's GDP. Solid waste creation in tourist areas varies from 1 to 12 kg per visitor per day, primarily depending on the characteristics of the tourists, the time of year, and the nation's current environmental laws
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