Novel Fast Improved 3D S-Box-Based Cryptography Algorithm for Protecting DICOM Images

Novel Fast Improved 3D S-Box-Based Cryptography Algorithm for Protecting DICOM Images

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4945-5.ch001
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Data encryption is one of the security solutions used to protect secret data. The use of image encryption techniques in DICOM (digital imaging and communications in medicine) data to secure it in unprotected networks or storage is the focus of this chapter. Therefore, based on the improvement of a 3D (three dimension) s-box proposed previously, the authors provide a novel efficient images encryption method for medical imaging. The technique also encrypts the DICOM tags and Jpeg compressed DICOM imaging because 512-bit-based blocks of data are processed. A function named encrypt_block() is used for the diffusion and confusion. This function processes a block with subblocks each of 8-bit. For each subblock it uses the s-box for data transformation. The cryptanalysis of the proposed encryption system shows its strength and security. The runtime and the speed of the algorithm demonstrate its low time complexity, which makes it suitable for much electronics hardware, especially embedded systems.
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The development of new telecommunications technology and especially the internet network, has increased the complexity of data security problems such as hacking, unauthorized access to data, spyware in network. The need to be able to send data securely is probably as old as communications itself. In our modern world, where various methods of communication are used for transferring any data, the need for confidentiality is more present than ever on a multitude of levels. For example, it is normal for a firm to want to protect its new software against piracy, for banking institutions to want to ensure that transactions are secure, and that all individuals want their personal data to be protected. Furthermore, the need for secure communications has given rise to a discipline known as cryptology. Etymologically, cryptology appears to be the science of secrecy. However, it has only recently been considered a science since it combines the art of secrecy with that of piracy. Indeed, cryptology consists of two complementary parts: cryptography and cryptanalysis. The first part consists of studying and designing information encryption methods while the second aims at analyzing cipher texts by extracting the hidden information. This information may be in the form of textual data, audio, or in the form of digital images and other multimedia. There are many contexts where encryption is used to protect data like industrially, military, and especially medical where patient data are secret and only patient’s doctors have authorized to access their data. DICOM, a secret data in medical profession, is a series of fields named Tag contain information of patient, information of the image, and the pixels of the medical imaging. For protecting this DICOM against unauthorized viewed, recently, we proposed many recherché paper for securing these DICOM data (Boussif et al., 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021), in this chapter, we propose a novel improved 3D S-Box-based encryption system for encrypt imaging, and text data or tags (all DICOM data) because the images encryption system scalable with text data. It is manipulating the data in blocks of 512 bit. A function named encrypt_block() is used for the confusion and diffusion in the image encryption.

The rest of this paper is organized as follow: In Section 2, we discus some related works (images and DICOM encryption algorithms). Then, the proposed method is detailed in Section 3. Section 4 dedicated to the result of cryptanalysis and its comparison with the state-of-the-art. Limitations of the work is presented in Section 5. The paper is end by a conclusion and our future works (Section 6).

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