Novel Congestion Control Model for Maintaining Quality of Service in MANET

Novel Congestion Control Model for Maintaining Quality of Service in MANET

Mamoon Rashid, Aabid Rashid, Sachin Kumar Gupta
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2570-8.ch005
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This chapter is related to quality of service in the network. The congestion is the factor which affects quality of service in the network. The AODV is the routing protocol used to establish path from source to destination. To maintain quality of the service, novel approach is proposed. The technique of back propagation is proposed in this work for the congestion avoidance in the network. The back propagation algorithm calculates changes of congestion on each node in network. The node with the least chances of congestion is selected for path establish from source to destination. The proposed approach is implemented in network simulator version 2 and results are analyzed in terms of throughput, packet-loss, delay, and load. It is analyzed that network throughput is increased, packet-loss, delay, and load is reduced in the proposed methodology as compared to state-of-art.
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Introduction To Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

In the last few years, the demand for mobile computing has been increased to a very large extent because of the enlargement of economical and effortlessly obtainable wireless equipment’s. Therefore, in the present scenario, a number of investigators have made several researches in the area of ad hoc networks. Inside MANETs, the nodes present in the wireless range of one another interact in a direct manner (Soundararajan et al. 2012). The nodes depend on one another in order to transmit information amid nodes existing beyond the broadcasting range and this result in the generation of multi-hop situations. Different nodes provide aid in the transmission of data packets form source to target.The MANET is generated according to the prerequisite of the customer and it does not require any kind of accessible framework or different types of permanent stations inside it (Tang et al 2002). The MANET can be described as an independent arrangement of mobile hosts (MHs) which uses wireless connections for links. The network produced in MANET is in the structure of a random communication table utilized for numerous functions. A single hop cellular network system in which base stations exists and uses wireless communication for the information transmission is totally dissimilar from these kinds of systems. These networks consists wired arrangements and set base stations in order to provide communication amid two movable sensor nodes. These networks are described as infrastructure less kind of networks. As nodes can move freely anywhere in the system, therefore an unpredictable alteration occurs in the topology of these kind of networks. The ad hoc networks are peer-to-peer multi-hop mobile wireless networks. These networks use store-and-forwards method for the transmission of information packets with the help of intermediary nodes. The information about the alteration of network topology should be provided to other nodes. According to the movement of mobile hosts, this information is restructured or detached.

Figure 1 depicts that it is not possible for all mobile hosts to be present within the coverage area or range of one another. In a case when entire mobile hosts are nearer and exist within the radio range, then problems related to routing do not occur. In any case, absurd quantity of energy should be provided in genuine conditions for the completion of connectedness. The attention should be given to different other problems such as battery life span and dimensional readopting present in this kind of network. The existence of symmetric and asymmetric associations is one more kind of issue existing within these kinds of networks. Several protocols consider symmetric associations in conjunction with the associative radio range. The MH3 and MH1 lie within the radio range of one another as described by the figure. In these networks, symmetric types of interaction associations exist. This supposition is made applicable although it is not achievable as the execution of routing is extremely difficult in asymmetric systems. Since the breakdown of these associations is very much probable, therefore the identification of such paths is possible which prevents the occurrence of asymmetric associations. For the whole mobile hosts, equal amount of abilities and duties occur inside the symmetric associations. The issue of symmetric and asymmetric associations is one of the most important issues present inside the MANETS. The other main concern of MANETs is the existence of different mobility prototypes of dissimilar nodes. The movement factor of some mobile hosts is large which other nodes are motionless. The mobility and order of mobility of a mobile host cannot be forecasted easily (Lochert et al 2007). The MANETs are extremely decumbent towards intrusions and untrustworthy as well because of their altering nature. The adopted routing method is leading branch of any network. Every node should cooperate with other nodes too in conjunction with its individual appropriate performance. The MANET can experience different kinds of safety intrusions or attacks. Therefore, the identification of a safe and reliable continuous route is necessary for MANETs.

Figure 1.

Overview of MANET


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